ORBAT Creator General FAQ

  1. 7 years ago
    Edited 7 years ago by SpyderBlack723

    All-in-one post for any questions relating to the ORBAT Creator released in ALiVE v1.2.0

    Make Factions Great Again, with the new ORBATerer

    Wiki: http://alivemod.com/wiki/index.php/ORBAT_Tool

    Central Faction Repository: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0B5R8WkcGUL8pT3BJdklhclN0V28


    Experimental Builds:

  2. Edited 7 years ago by Docbuck

    Thanks Spyder. Looking for clarification on one aspect that you've been working with someone else on this morning. I have one or two simple goals with the tool.

    1. Create ALiVE compatible groups for factions that are not completely done, like gref.
    2. Give units from some of the opfor packs rhs weaponry, because imho it operates and sounds better, and because I want to consolidate the types of ammo I need to make available in missions.

    I have been able to access the tool, edit/create units, groups, and factions. However when I attempt to load, I get errors about base unit class inheritance, and the game crashes. I am missing something fundamental, and request help on understanding the steps. Thank you.

    Stated differently in previous thread:

    Following the steps in the wiki, I have created a new faction. Basically I took Massi's navy seals and created a single alive compatible group for them, just as a test. I closely followed the step where if you want to inherit units from a faction, you basically need to copy it as a first step, copy the units, and work from there. I did that.

    It's all packed up in a little addon pbo thingy, too. Now, when I try to load the game with the mod, it is throwing errors saying that base classes of massi's units are not defined. Here is the link to my config . Why is it not working?

  3. Edited 7 years ago by SpyderBlack723

    @Docbuck Thanks Spyder. Looking for clarification on one aspect that you've been working with someone else on this morning. I have one or two simple goals with the tool.

    1. Create ALiVE compatible groups for factions that are not completely done, like gref.
    2. Give units from some of the opfor packs rhs weaponry, because imho it operates and sounds better, and because I want to consolidate the types of ammo I need to make available in missions.

    I have been able to access the tool, edit/create units, groups, and factions. However when I attempt to load, I get errors about base unit class inheritance, and the game crashes. I am missing something fundamental, and request help on understanding the steps. Thank you.

    1. Simply open the group editor, select the faction you wish to edit, then select the group category that you would like to expand. From there, click "Create Group" and fill in the form with the desired values. Now your group is created, select it in the list if it is not selected already. Then using the list on the left of the screen, drag the desired units into the group unit list on the bottom. This will add units to the screen.

    Once you are done adding your custom groups, open the faction editor and click generate config. With the text copied to your clipboard, extract the portion that is wrapped like so

    Class CfgGroups {

    Make sure to keep all of the indented code in between the opening { and closing }

    You can then toss this in your description.ext and the faction will contain your new groups
    (This process will be much easier in future improvments!)

    2. Already wrote these instructions in another thread so I'll just link off there, let me know if further detail is needed.

    Also ensure you are still running the original mod that the units in your new faction originate from.

  4. Friznit

    16 Sep 2016 Administrator

    First, read and understand the http://alivemod.com/wiki/index.php/Key_Concepts

    As a rule, it's always better to create a new faction and edit that instead of editing an existing faction. For example, take RHS as a template, call it RHS_Friz and then change it how you want. This will help avoid any confusion and conflicts in Eden/Zeus.

    The Orbat Tool simply make configs which depend on the original mods. It is not a mod creation tool. If in doubt always credit the original mod makers. It's the decent thing to do after all!

  5. Yes. I created my own faction. Unfortunately, you can't create UNITS for that faction without inheriting from a unit that already exists in a different one.


    There is no option to create a new unit without inheritance of another, that I can see. I went ahead and generated a class name and saved that unit, as is. Here is the code it generates for that particular unit (keep in mind I understand that I must generate ALL the code for the faction, group and unit... this is just an example)

    // Config Automatically Generated by ALiVE ORBAT Creator
    // Generated with Arma 3 version 162.137494 on Stable branch
    class EventHandlers;
    class CBA_Extended_EventHandlers_base;
    class CfgVehicles {
        class B_mas_usd_Soldier_F;
        class B_masusadeltaalive_Rifleman_01 : B_mas_usd_Soldier_F {
            author = "HA M. Buchanan";
            displayName = "Rifleman";
            side = 1;
            faction = "mas_usa_delta_alive";
            uniformClass = "U_mas_usd_B_CombatUniform_mcam";
            backpack = "B_mas_Kitbag_mul";
            linkedItems[] = { "ItemMap" , "ItemCompass" , "ItemWatch" , "ItemRadio" , "ItemGPS" , "NVGoggles_mas_18" , "Binocular" , "V_mas_usd_PlateCarrier1_rgr" , "H_mas_usn_helmet_ops_sf_z" , "G_mas_wpn_wrap_t" };
            weapons[] = { "arifle_mas_m4vlt_t" , "hgun_mas_m23_l_F" , "Binocular" , "Throw" , "Put" };
            respawnLinkedItems[] = { "ItemMap" , "ItemCompass" , "ItemWatch" , "ItemRadio" , "ItemGPS" , "NVGoggles_mas_18" , "Binocular" , "V_mas_usd_PlateCarrier1_rgr" , "H_mas_usn_helmet_ops_sf_z" , "G_mas_wpn_wrap_t" };
            respawnWeapons[] = { "arifle_mas_m4vlt_t" , "hgun_mas_m23_l_F" , "Binocular" , "Throw" , "Put" };
            class EventHandlers : EventHandlers {
                class CBA_Extended_EventHandlers: CBA_Extended_EventHandlers_base {};
                class ALiVE_orbatCreator {
                    init = "_unit = (_this select 0);removeAllPrimaryWeaponItems _unit;{_unit removeSecondaryWeaponItem _x} foreach (secondaryWeaponItems _unit);removeAllHandgunItems _unit;{_unit removeItem _x} foreach (uniformItems _unit + vestItems _unit + backpackItems _unit);for '_i' from 1 to 2 do {_unit addItemToUniform 'FirstAidKit';};_unit addItemToUniform 'muzzle_mas_snds_M';_unit addItemToUniform 'muzzle_mas_snds_L';_unit addItemToUniform 'acc_flashlight';for '_i' from 1 to 3 do {_unit addItemToUniform '30Rnd_mas_556x45sd_Stanag';};_unit addItemToUniform 'Chemlight_green';_unit addItemToUniform 'Chemlight_blue';for '_i' from 1 to 2 do {_unit addItemToVest '30Rnd_mas_556x45_Stanag';};for '_i' from 1 to 2 do {_unit addItemToVest '30Rnd_mas_556x45_T_Stanag';};for '_i' from 1 to 2 do {_unit addItemToVest '12Rnd_mas_45acp_Mag';};for '_i' from 1 to 2 do {_unit addItemToVest 'SmokeShell';};for '_i' from 1 to 2 do {_unit addItemToVest 'HandGrenade';};_unit addItemToVest 'B_IR_Grenade';_unit spawn {sleep 0.1;_unit = _this;};_unit addPrimaryWeaponItem 'acc_mas_pointer_IR_top';_unit addPrimaryWeaponItem 'optic_mas_acog_eo';_unit addHandgunItem 'acc_mas_flash_gun';_unit addHandgunItem 'optic_mas_MRD';";
            // custom attributes (do not delete)
            ALiVE_orbatCreator_owned = 1;

    So when I go to load the game, it is saying that I have not defined the parent class of my custom unit. I can see that at the top, just under cfgVehicles, the error is correct. I do not understand how to bypass this.

  6. Edited 7 years ago by SpyderBlack723

    Unit inheritance is mandatory because it simplifies and safeguards the unit creation process. This is why we generally recommend not to edit units from mods that you have not created, such as vanilla NATO units. Since you are free to change the gear however you wish, this shouldn't be too much of an issue since you can change the new unit to look however you prefer.

    In your mod init order, is your custom unit mod set to load last? Or at least before the massi unit pack mod which the unit type is from?

  7. Edited 7 years ago by Docbuck

    Yes, I believe so. That was my thought too... Shouldn't it be able to inherit if the class exists in game in any other mod?

    Just to clarify, by changing this units class name and pulling it into my custom faction... I am in essence making a custom unit and not editing the original from Massi's mod, right?

    Also I completely understand the need for the inheritance, I'm not trying to steal anything or run without the mods that deserve credit. I just want to change a few things and work on alive compatibility! That's all lol.

  8. Edited 7 years ago by SpyderBlack723

    The class needs to exist in the local config in order to be inherited from, hence the forward declaration of class B_mas_usd_Soldier_F;

    I see no reason why the code you posted shouldn't work, can you copy and paste the exact error it outputs on crashing? Thanks.

    I might have one final possible solution, but I'm hoping something else is the cause.

  9. Edited 7 years ago by Docbuck
    ErrorMessage: File Users\Matt\Downloads\@testMod\addons\test\autogen.hpp, line 1356: /CfgVehicles.B_mas_usn_soldier_Mh_F_rec_dn: Undefined base class 'B_mas_usn_soldier_Mh_F_rec_d'

    links to screenshots of the errors:


  10. Edited 7 years ago by SpyderBlack723

    Ah I see,

    Can you post your entire output from the ORBAT Creator here and link it back to me, thanks.

    Hopefully it lets you create a gist there without an account (if not then can you please upload the autogen.hpp file with your output and then link me to the download)

  11. Edited 7 years ago by Docbuck

    Here is the link to the raw text

    Here is the gist.

    However... I made a video of my last attempt with the intent of showing you what was wrong... and it worked lol. I'm not sure what I did differently. All the same, I'll post the video up so you can tell me all the things I did that don't meet best practices, lol.

    It should be live on YouTube shortly.

  12. Edited 7 years ago by SpyderBlack723

    Well.. congratulations?

    You've managed to break it!

    Don't know how or what you did that I somehow didn't catch in my hours and hours of testing.

    If it works then I guess we can just leave it there, but somehow the exportation process botched the ordering of the unit declarations.

  13. Edited 7 years ago by Docbuck

    I appreciate you thinking it was your tool, but probably not man. It did it to me twice. So unless I'm just Han Solo lucky, it was something I was messing up. One thing I did differently the time it worked was not mess with equipment... would that potentially make things different?

    My video is long and boring but if you could skip through and tell me if I've got the concept down that'd be great. In return, if I do, I'll make a much much higher quality tutorial video and send it in for the dev teams approval before I post it up. I do that video thing

  14. Edited 7 years ago by SpyderBlack723

    I won't have much time in the coming days, but I can try to get a glimpse.

    I appreciate you thinking it was your tool, but probably not man.

    I tried very hard to make it unbreakable, so if you broke it, I failed :\

  15. Heh well... I dunno. I'm gonna keep messing with it and see if I can do the RHS weapons. I'll take video in case I run into something. Thanks again.

  16. I mean. If you're recording videos anyway while doing this, do you feel like making a beginner's tutorial?

  17. @HeroesandvillainsOS  I mean. If you're recording videos anyway while doing this, do you feel like making a beginner's tutorial?

    I just... might not be the best guy for that as I literally just started playing ArmA the day apex came out. There's a saying in the service about there being nothing worse than an instructor who teaches you the wrong way to do things.

    All the same, I'll record everything, and when I have enough for a tutorial I'll put a draft together and people can help me make sure all is done correctly. Once it's good, I'll post it up, sure! You can look at the link I already put up... it's raw footage though, so load times and stuff aren't clipped.

  18. Edited 7 years ago by ski2060

    Well, if someone sees a bunch of posts by me, please Admin, delete them. No posts are showing for me for some reason.
    Here is a link to the autogen.hpp for my Pacific Pirates.

  19. @ski2060 Test post?


  20. Yeah that was weird Ski. You had a ghost post like 20 minutes ago. Eerie.

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