Disable Remaining Reinforcements Popup

  1. 7 years ago

    I was wondering if there was a way to disable the remaining reinforcements for a side that pop up when they get deployed?

  2. I mean you could just not use Logistics. Not that it matters, just curious. Why does it bother you?

  3. I actually like to have a clean server from useless texts that pop up too. :) Everything bothers me though lol

  4. There is no way to disable these messages at the moment. If it really bothers you then feel free to open a ticket on github. ^^

  5. Friznit

    21 May 2017 Administrator

    Please raise a ticket on github - was actually thinking this myself the other day. At the very least we need to change the text to something a bit more immersive.

  6. Already done :)

  7. @Friznit Please raise a ticket on github - was actually thinking this myself the other day. At the very least we need to change the text to something a bit more immersive.

    Your mod is unrealistic and ruins my immersion

  8. Hahaha, it doesnt really bug me but I was just wondering, seems like itd be a nice options to have :P


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