Persistence Issues

  1. 7 years ago


    A few things, to save persistence you login to admin and select server save and exit and then how do you know when its done saving? I tried it last night and restarted the server but now it hangs up on the loading screen?


  2. Edited 7 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS

    When it's done saving, you'll get taken to a mission exit screen, and then usually a post op wrap up on total kills (assuming you have it enabled), etc.

    When you initiate server save and edit, the tablet will open, and you'll visually see on the tablet what's saving. This process is all automatic, and very visual, but can take some time depending on some factors (total objectives, etc).

    Can you try an ALiVE CBA only mission, and see if it saves and continues properly?

    Bare in mind, continuing a save can take some time too. Assuming this is cloud DB, loading missions from the DB can take a couple minutes in some cases.

  3. 6 years ago

    Yup its through CloudDB, right now its been saving for aroudn half an hour and its been sitting on

    ALiVE Player Logistics - Save Result: {"ok":true:,"id":"303_BadghisTEST","rev":"1-c8d6f5392a3e2a1c767320c397505

  4. Unless the database is down (which I doubt), that's probably not normal. Can you try with a simple test mission and see if that saves/loads?

  5. Hmm yea I let it save for an hour then tried to relaunch it but its sitting at the loading screen again for around 20 minutes, the weird thing is that I havent even placed a Player logistics module

  6. Edited 6 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS

    Hey, where did you get your ALiVE from? I have a feeling you might have an old version somehow. Can you try DL'ing ALiVE again? Is it Workshop (hopefully no. Workshop is up to date)?

  7. Oh I was using the latest pre release build

  8. Ok this was a problem in the last RC. That's good news.

  9. ALiVE released yesterday FYI

  10. Oh thanks hahaha


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