Infinite Load Screen latest RC

  1. 7 years ago
    Edited 7 years ago by BvB

    Just wondering if anyone else has experienced this with the latest release candidate from GitHub (Pre Release Candidate Build In any mission it seems, if I set an OPCOM as Assymetric I get the infinite loadscreen when running in the editor. Using prior versions or setting commander to occupation/invasion, no other change, and it seems to run fine.

    I did a barebones test using only the base ALIVE, Virtual AI etc, a single civ objective marker synced to OPCOM, and the 2 civilian modules. Changing opcom type or running without one fine, assymetric with any combination of settings and it would fail to load. I also tried this with and without mods.

    I know, RC, not "crying" just throwing it out there if anything useful I can do to isolate an issue. Can try and put up a test mission, but I've replicated it on Altis, Diyala, Lythium etc. by just throwing on the modules mentioned and it's the assymetric command that leaves me permanently admiring the load screen. :) Thanks for any tips if there's something I can do on my end to sidestep this. Will go back to release version I suppose, grabbed this one to try Lythium out but guess it wasn't meant to be just yet.

  2. Thanks for the feedback (I don't tend to see a lot of RC feedback at all so it's cool you posted about a bug). The devs have seen this internally and are on the case! :)

  3. Friznit

    9 May 2017 Administrator

    And fixed!

  4. But I haven't even had time to fire Arma back up and look forward to it getting addressed, and the new RC is already up? Unacceptable! :)

    Thanks to all involved!

  5. Just fired up the Dev version and tried out my assymetric mission on Lythium.

    Everything is working great. No issues. Great Job.


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