ALiVE 1.2 Released

  1. ‹ Older
  2. 7 years ago

    Perfect. Then that means it is completely working as intended now. Thanks guys.

  3. Edited 7 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS

    What determines which vehicle is used for logistics BCR's? I'm using Project OPFOR's ISIS (independent). They don't have any helicopters so when they replenish, they're using trucks.

    Except it's falling back to AAF Zamak Transport trucks which isn't driven by a driver from the ISIS faction. They're being driven by an AAF guy.

    I take it this is a limitation of the system? Meaning if the faction doesn't have a large enough transport vehicle to carry BCR's it gets replaced by a vanilla one from the side maybe?

    Would it be possible to replace the driver with a unit from the faction only faction?

  4. For logistics I use a staticdata.sqf in my mission file with something like (just an example from my unsung/alive compat)

    [ALIVE_factionDefaultTransport, "UNSUNG_E_PAVN_67", ["O_UNSUNGEPAVN67_NVA_Ural_Camo_01"]] call ALIVE_fnc_hashSet;

    then place

    0 = [] spawn {
    if (isServer) then {
    waitUntil {!isNil "ALiVE_STATIC_DATA_LOADED"};
    call compile (preprocessFileLineNumbers "staticData.sqf");

    in the ALiVE Required modules init

  5. Edited 7 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS

    Right. That makes sense. Does it matter what kind of vehicle I choose? I'd assume BCR logistics vehicles would need to be able to carry a certain amount of units maybe?

    And my issue isn't the vehicle or even the units being delivered, it's the driver because it's an AAF truck by default probably because ISIS is an IND faction. So there's this white dude in AAF gear driving ISIS guys into the battlefield.

    The ISIS faction doesn't really have any transport trucks. Just APC's and stuff like that.

    I had assumed setting to faction only would default to the faction in some way...

  6. Yea one thing that happens is when its not defined itll go back to the sides default (hence the AAF truck). I think you can assign any vehicle and Im not sure if the carrying capacity has an impact. Oh so you want the Zamak but with an ISIS driver? Alternately you could create a faction with the ORBAT tool and edit the vehicle property to put an ISIS driver in.

  7. Well I guess I was under the impression BCR logistics being set to faction only would actually restrict BCR logistics to the faction.

    I'm honestly not sure what the toggle is for then.

    I'm not discounting the possibility that the system needs a certain vehicle type to transport the new troops. If so that would make sense but in that case it should at least use a unit from the faction and not a vanilla unit.

    Also, as much as I don't personally care what vehicle ALiVE uses for this (I just care about the driver), a lot of people were turned off in the past with this stuff breaking their immersion. That's why the entire faction only option was given to us.

    I'll just open a ticket. It's gotta either be a bug similar to the choppers thing or a limitation which could use a feature request.


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