How to neutralize insurgency installations

  1. 7 years ago

    What do you need to do to neutralize a building that is being used by insurgency?

    Second question. What happens when you save the mission and restart it? Will it remember that you've neutralized the building already?

  2. The installations in Insurgency mode are tied to the building that they are located in. So destruction of the building is necessary to keep Insurgents from possibly reusing the same locations.

  3. Edited 7 years ago by BlackAlpha

    OK. Keep in mind, on Tanoa, most buildings used by insurgency cannot be destroyed. So, I guess this somewhat breaks insurgency?

  4. They are working the kinks out on the Tanoa map for the next release. Hopefully it all comes together soon.

  5. Additionally, the buildings get reset when you restart the server. It would be nice if Alive could remember which buildings got destroyed and leave them inactive after a restart.

  6. It remembers which OPCOM installations have been destroyed? The problem with persisting destroyed buildings is that some small maps may not have any left after a few sessions!

  7. Yes it very much should be remembering which installations have been destroyed. If it isn't please post a server rpt when you attempted a persistent save please.

  8. Edited 7 years ago by BlackAlpha

    @HeroesandvillainsOS  Yes it very much should be remembering which installations have been destroyed. If it isn't please post a server rpt when you attempted a persistent save please.

    There was a case earlier where it didn't save. It's not of a high priority for me right now because of the indestructible buildings issue - many enterable buildings (most of them?) cannot be destroyed, which makes insurgency kind of pointless. So my community won't be using insurgency for now. Might look into it later when that issue gets fixed.


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