TAOR marker invisible?

  1. 8 years ago

    When i make a map with Alive i have to put area markers to specify where for example TAOR ares are. But as far as i understand these markers show for the players also. is it possible to somehow make them invisible for the players when the mission is on?

  2. Edited 8 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS

    Yeah this happens to me sometimes too. Not all markers do this so I really have no idea what causes some to be visible.

    For the stubborn ones, click on the marker in the editor and at the bottom, you see an opacity/transparency bar. Put it at zero (all the way to the left) and it will disappear.

  3. If you want to find the marker later on, do yourself a favor and take a picture first. Remember it will also be invisible to you in the editor too.

  4. Thanks! :)

  5. This should not be happening.. do you have a repro mission by chance? When it happens is it the same marker(s) that are showing each time?

  6. Edited 8 years ago by SpyderBlack723

    If the TAOR marker is not invisible, then it is not being recognized. Try renaming your TAOR and/or ensuring that the correct name is used.

    If the issue persists, try reversing the size of your axes and rotating the marker by 90 degrees to compensate for the size change. This is an issue regarding a BIS function.

  7. Edited 8 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS

    This has happened to me in every single mission I've ever made. That really means something is wrong? Hmmm. Had no clue.

    Mine generally happen when I place two markers on eachother (ex. when adding a blacklist marker for the edges of the map so installations don't spawn off the grid, or creating a no Logistics support zone deep within the enemy AO, etc).. I believe this is the case in all occurrences actually.

  8. highhead

    13 Apr 2016 Administrator

    TAOR markers have to be invisible after initialisation of the mission, else there is a problem.


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