

Last active 8 years ago

  1. 8 years ago
    Tue Apr 12 19:41:19 2016
    W Wedde posted in TAOR marker invisible?.

    Thanks! :)

  2. Tue Apr 12 19:27:13 2016
    W Wedde started the conversation TAOR marker invisible?.

    When i make a map with Alive i have to put area markers to specify where for example TAOR ares are. But as far as i understand these markers show for the players also. is it possible to somehow make them invisible for the players when the mission is on?

  3. Fri Apr 8 16:16:17 2016

    Okey so how do i report it?

  4. Fri Apr 8 09:03:00 2016

    This is a issue for me to, i cant spawn CUP ambient civilians. Thanks for recognising this issue dev team. Since my mission is ready to go except this problem, any guess when a update is comming? :)
    Keep up the great work!

  5. Thu Apr 7 20:59:49 2016
    W Wedde joined the forum.