Group blacklisting

  1. 8 years ago
    Edited 8 years ago by ElectroEsper

    SOLVED! Groups are casesensitive


    I followed the blacklisting tutorial on the Wiki, however I just can't get it to work.
    I added this to my init.sqf :

    if(isServer) then {
    	// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    	// override default data 
    	// see script/staticData.sqf
    	["MISSION INIT - Waiting"] call ALIVE_fnc_dump;
    	waitUntil {!isNil "ALiVE_STATIC_DATA_LOADED"};
    	["MISSION INIT - Continue"] call ALIVE_fnc_dump;
    	// override static data settings
    	call compile (preprocessFileLineNumbers "scripts\staticData.sqf");
    	["MISSION INIT - Static data override loaded"] call ALIVE_fnc_dump;
    	// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    Here's the staticData.sqf:


    So here, I'm unsure if it is because I messed-up or if RHS AFRF strikes again.
    I have it also in the init box of the "ALiVE (Required)" module, yet I still got blacklisted unit that spawns.

    Mod used : RHS Escalation + ACE + CBA 3 + AiATP + FSF N'Ziwasogo + ALiVE

    Thanks for your help.

  2. Edited 8 years ago by SpyderBlack723

    Edit: Oh wait I'm dumb, looks like you did blacklist the groups as well

  3. Edited 8 years ago by ElectroEsper

    Well, I blacklisted both groups and vehicles I don't want to see.

    Sorry, I wasn't clear enough, I'm trying to Blacklist vehicles and the groups that use said vehicles.

    Edit: Ok, now something interesting, I made it work by copy/pasting the group names from the @ALiVE staticData.sqf in the main.pbo.

    Could it be that that these are case sensitive?

    That being said, what the heck is wrong with the AI Commander and RHS : AFRF?!
    The moment I try to altern the russians in anyway (this blacklisting included) the AI Commander give me this (the same problem that I posted too many times about) :

    There are are no groups for OPCOM faction(s) ["rhs_faction_msv"]! Please check if you chose the correct faction, and that the faction has groups defined in the ArmA 3 default categories infantry, motorized, mechanized, armored, air, sea!
  4. Friznit

    20 Oct 2015 Administrator

    Yes they're case sensitive.

    RHS is really tricksy because the mod doesn't define groups in the standard BIS way (they refused to when asked by several people). So we've had to map then manually in staticdata. You may have better luck simply unmapping the bits you don't want.

  5. Edited 8 years ago by ElectroEsper

    So, how would I go about unmapping?

    I know how to map, but unmap I don't.

    Note : That still doesn't explain why the US side of RHS can be messed around with in any form and the AI Commander still picks it up perfectly... Or why the AI Commander can't use those alterned AFRF groups even if they are profiled and registered by the profile handler :S


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