ALiVE Command Tablet

  1. 9 years ago
    Edited 8 years ago by SpyderBlack723

    //////////////////////////////////////////////------------ Important ------------\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\

    This is now integrated into ALiVE as of version 1.0 RC

    You can find it as part of the C2ISTAR module

    Development for the script portion will cease

    //////////////////////////////////////////////------------ Important ------------\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\


    This was the initial part of the menu that drove me to create this. It allows you to call in nearby ALiVE groups to assist you in your goal. There are currently 3 methods in doing so and 2 parameters for changing how many groups are called in.

    Request Reinforcements: It will search for nearby ALiVE (non player) groups and waypoint them to your position.
    Request Assault: Nearby ALiVE groups will be notified of the location you specified. They will move at a normal pace to a "staging position" ~300m out from the objective. from that point they will enter a combat pace and move the remaining distance.
    Request Recon: A nearby infantry group will be chosen. They will move to the clicked location, and after a short delay, mark all visible enemy groups with a marker. After doing this they will retreat to their original position. It's important to note that each enemy group must be visible from the recon team's location. so terrain like mountains will block enemy groups from being marked.

    Each group grabbed (regardless of it being for reinforcements,assault, or recon) will be the closest groups to the location in order to maintain the quickest response time.

    All of this can be modified slightly with the given parameters as seen in the pictures;

    Radius: The radius in which nearby groups will be searched for, this can be used to grab assistance while trying not to disturb groups that are too far away. It can also be used to get assistance from groups very very far away.

    Groups to send: Same concept as above, can be used to grab groups without disturbing too many. If assaulting a large objective, you may want to ask for 5 groups. If being attacked by a single squad, you may only want to request a single reinforcement group.

    Battlefield Analysis

    The Battlefield Analysis section is designed to give you enough information to plan your moves around the overall battle while not giving you any "cheating" information.
    (Player's faction) Commander's orders: Marks each objective known to your factions commander (if any exists)and color-code it based on how he prioritizes that objective.
    Mark Units: Puts a blue marker on every unit on the same side as you.

    Group Manager

    This section of the menu includes some simple controls to manage your squad. You can view a list of all units in your squad. When you click on a unit in that list, their gear will pop up on the side including a list how many of each item they possess.

    Using the group manager, you can also easily change your group's formation and combat mode. I because frustrated with how difficult it became to control the AI in your squad, especially when you run mods such as ACE. Now you can simply open the group manager, select your preferred formation and combat mode and go.

    High Command

    Read Below for more details on how this features works. I'll update this section in the future once it is 100% completed

    Download links:

    First public release v0.5

    • Updated all features to be MP compatible (excluding the high command portion, WIP anyway)
    • Code optimizations
    • Added Objective filter "orders", color codes objectives based on current orders based on your faction's opcom
    • Opcom no longer gets greedy and steals your requested reinforcement/assault units

    Known issues:
    - Forcepool indicator doesn't update (shows starting forcepool (Maybe not possible?)

    - Profiles are now handed back to opcom properly when they are complete their waypoints


    • Optimzation
    • Recon mission option
    • Mark units analysis option


    • Urgency is now set to yes automatically (removed player input)
    • UI Rework (Thanks Friz for the ALiVE Tablet)
    • Units are handed back to OPCOM in a much safer way

    - Marking objectives by occupation (way too performance heavy)

    High Command Update V0.8
    - Added High Command features (went from 5% to 95% in terms of functionality)

    - Consolidated functions

    Last updated: 8/30/15 (U.S DateTimeFormat)
    Thanks to Friznit and Highhead for assistance, guidance, and clarification.

  2. I don't think I'd be able to help with development of this as I don't have the skills for it, but I can definitely say I'd use it.
    Obviously I'd be most interested if the AI movement was working in MP, but even in the state you're describing it'd be useful as the battlefield analysis part would be a useful addition. Especially if it displayed the current objective that OPCOM is focused on, I'm currently finding that with large scenarios it can be a bit of a guessing game to work out where the AI commander is trying to attack next so that I can take my units to assist, this would solve that problem beautifully.

  3. Edited 9 years ago by SpyderBlack723

    This might please you then
    Idle: Yellow
    Reserve: Green
    Defend: Blue
    Attack: Red

    I've also managed to optimize the "Display Objectives" toggle to display almost instantly no matter what filter is used (even when doing a dominantFaction check is ran on 100 objectives when at 15 fps). Makes using only Battlefield analysis a bit more satisfying.

  4. Awesome this needs to be added as an ALiVE module

  5. Yeah, that looks brilliant. Is there any way to displayed numbered priorities on those? So that the objective that OPCOM is currently most focused on acting against is displayed as #1, with the second one as #2 and so on?

  6. Edited 9 years ago by SpyderBlack723

    I could but it might be a bit weird, (all information past this point is for an upcoming version, it doesn't exist in the currently released version) basically every objective at mission start is given a randomized priority based on size/priority rating (I think, could be wrong). OPCOM will prefer to take these objectives in that order. I can try to display it but it probably end up on every objective regardless if OPCOM controls it or not. You would just have to look for the lowest number priority out of all objectives that are currently being defended/attacked/ set to be attacked and that would be the "#1" priority at the current moment.

    As far as I know there is no dynamically available priority list to get the most valued objective at the time.

    If any of that was actually explained in an understandable manner, sweet.

  7. I think so. So there's no way to find out what OPCOM is prioritising at any given moment, you can only get a readout of the priority given at mission start, which isn't really very useful.

    Even so, it's useful as it is currently, and the marking of friendly and known enemy profiles would be an excellent replacement for the intel portion of the C2ISTAR module, which isn't really very good at present.

  8. Quick note on progress, currently working on MP compatibility. Have gotten Battlefield analysis to work in both SP and MP, will work on giving the profiles waypoints in MP next.

  9. Edited 9 years ago by SpyderBlack723

    And more good news, I have managed to get "Request Reinforcements" and "Request Assault" to work in MP with minimal issues. With hope I can do a first release tomorrow.

  10. I'm looking forward to this. It sounds like a feature that would be integral enough to be integrated into ALiVE.

  11. Edited 9 years ago by SpyderBlack723


    Obviously it could still use some work, I really want to learn how to put a picture on an RscButton so you can tell the difference between the two objective filters without having to read the tooltip.

    Please let me know of any errors you get (especially if you play with -showScriptErrors on). Suggestions are also highly valuable as well. From this point I'll just leave any update notes and an updated download link at the bottom of the main post.

    On the ToDo list:

    • Mark units (marks all friendly units and known enemies with a marker).
    • Flesh out high command to be usable
    • Optimize code as much as possible

    A bit of a warning when it comes to mark objectives, this can sometimes take awhile to initially appear on missions with a lot of objectives and units since it must do a dominantFaction check for each objectives. I'll work on it if I can but there might not be much I can do. However, once the data is initially recovered, it stays active on your pc for 15 seconds, meaning every toggle for 15 seconds after the initial toggle will be much faster.

  12. Friznit

    13 Aug 2015 Administrator

    Can't you use the existing ALiVE admin func to mark units and/or profiles?

  13. Edited 9 years ago by SpyderBlack723

    Maybe, it shows all of the units however, where I would prefer to mark only enemy profiles that are within X meters of a friendly profile. That said, I haven't even started working on it so I'll take a look at it because it could be very useful.

  14. This is an OUTSTANDING addition for those groups of us who aren't part of a 30-100 man ARMA unit.

    Combining this with CISTAR, Player Combat Logistics, and Player Combat Support provides almost complete and total tactical control of hundreds of units on the battlefield while running with a "skeleton crew" of human players.

    Small groups can run giant military operations with little difficulty. Great job Spyder.

  15. We run a small group of 3 to 4 players also and this will be a great addition. Thanks!!!!!

    Getting this error the first time I select the Tactical Command item.

    No entry 'c:\Users\Eric\Documents\Arma 3\missions\Base.Stratis\description.ext/Spyder_TacticalCommand/controls/Spyder_TacticalCommand_GroupMembersListBox.ListScrollBar'.

    I get this error with the sample mission also.

    Besides that initial error the only thing I see is the 3 boxes alongside the right upper part of the map display have nothing in them, the are just black squares. Everything appears to be working thou.

  16. Edited 9 years ago by SpyderBlack723

    Yeah the error will pop up on every initial use in a mission. My guess is I'm missing some define in my GUI, need to investigate it further. For now, it's an annoying but harmless error.

    Besides that initial error the only thing I see is the 3 boxes alongside the right upper part of the map display have nothing in them

    It's just not done yet, I don't know how to overlay a picture onto each button which would be my preferable option. They still work though.

  17. Sounds good and thanks again!!! After only playing around with it for about 30 minuites I know this is going to greatly enhance our gameplay!!!

    I can't code but my group and I can test anything you need tested.


  18. Edited 9 years ago by SpyderBlack723

    Awesome, thanks for the feedblack. Really look forward to continue making these types of enhancements. I'll let you know if I have anything needing testing.

    Edit: Fixed the error that pops up when you open the tablet

  19. This is excellent. I think I know the answer already, but are requested units put back at the disposal of OPCOM once they've finished your requested mission, or do they just stay there?
    Also, what is the difference between request assault and request reinforcement? As in both you set a location for the groups to move to, is there any difference in behavior between them?

    I'm noticing that upon respawn the addaction is removed. I know it could be worked around easily enough but I thought I'd let you know in case it's an issue with what you've created, rather than a regular scripting issue.

  20. Edited 9 years ago by SpyderBlack723

    The units will be handed back to opcom whenever they have completed their waypoints (also exits the loop if they die).

    As for the difference between reinforcements and assault, when you call reinforcements, the units will move at "FULL" pace towards the location you have specified. When you choose assault, the units will move to a "staging position" 300m out from the objective at a normal pace, once they reach the staging position they will enter a combat pace (use cover and cover advancing squad members) and proceed the rest of the way towards an objective.

    To fix the action being removed on death, you can add an onPlayerRespawn.sqf in the root of your mission folder and put this inside of it

    player addAction ["Tactical Command Interface","CreateDialog 'Spyder_TacticalCommand'"];

    This will re-add the action everytime the player respawns. This is MP compatible.

    You might also need to still add the action through the player's/unit's ingame init line depending on your description.ext settings.

    I've got a big update coming soon, UI rework, performance improvements, code consolidation, and some other additions.

    Sneak peak:
    (Recon is my favorite 'mission' yet)

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