User Key 20

  1. 9 years ago

    Been attempting to use the ALiVE Combat Support system but have found that no matter what I rebind to User Key 20 wont call up the combat support system when I have any of a variety of items I've tried setting as the required item I know the system itself is working because by "talking to pilot" I can access the system and even use the other assets. If there are no problems currently existing with User Key 20 implementation then its probably a conflict on my part since I use a lot of mods but I'd like then a way to give my forward observer an addaction a la sitting in a Combat Support transport and talking to the pilot.

  2. Friznit

    3 May 2015 Administrator

    You have to restart once you've changed they key.

    Can you call up the ALiVE menu at all? If not it's a key binding conflict. If you can see the menu but just not the Combat Support part, then you need to check the classname in the module.

  3. I've restarted everytime I've changed the keybind and removed all other uses of the keys I've chosen. I can't call up the menu at all except via talking to the pilot of a transport chopper so I'm sure something to do with user key 20 is the problem.

  4. Friznit

    3 May 2015 Administrator

    Do you have the Alive (required) module placed?

  5. Yup. Like I said the system works its just its menu wont be called up on pressing User Key 20 no matter what I switch that to.

  6. Edited 9 years ago by SpitBubbleBoy

    I know that several weeks have passed since this issue was posted. I had a similar problem as Quixoticcool did. I could not remap that menu key to anything that worked.

    I finally solved the problem by downloading the CBA RC6 Hotfix. This made everything work perfectly. This is after a full day of trying to work it out (even looking at the doc in the editor at the menu). I loaded the game with just @CBA;@ALiVE;. - hope that link is correct.

    As a side note, I could not find anywhere in the ALiVE docs about what version of CBA you needed, just that it was required.

    And great mod guys. It makes this game so enjoyable and to have it working with Iron Front conversion, even better! Love you guys!

  7. Thanks for posting that info.. hopefully it will help others with the same issue.

    Yes this and IF are great together - if you create any missions with IF please consider posting them here for others to check out.

  8. I loved using Iron front with ALiVE.... just watching convoys of german tanks with everybody riding on top was awesome.... and who can resist the halftracks.

  9. Yeah it's too bad that whole situation went to shit... the work and detail put into that game was amazing only to have it fail badly. At least we can play it now as an addon in A3.


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