Reinforcement spawn

  1. 8 years ago

    Hi guys and girls,

    I have just started using your mod to create missions for our group. We get 50+ members every night, and I have found alive to be a fantastic resource to create quick and detailed missions to my liking. However I am having a little difficulty with reinforcements. In the past the AI commander would spawn his reinforcements from airdrop. I would rather have the AI spawn in at a location behind all the objectives and have them move towards the action. Is this as simple as creating another objective so they have a place to come in? Or will they just sit and defend that location? Any help is appreciated on this matter.


  2. Friznit

    4 Jun 2016 Administrator

    The air drop is only for the main logistics hub where they are inserted into theatre - this is normally the highest priority objective near the location of the Mil Placement module. Once in theatre, Battle Casualty Replacements will be convoyed forward by truck or helicopter to the front line.

    So to answer your question, yes - simply ensure the initial location is at a high priority objective well behind the front line.


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