FOB building and mission help

  1. 6 years ago

    Fair enough, I usually don't have too much of a problem getting fixed-wing CAS to hit things via CS, it's the other behaviors that get a bit wonky, like RTB and such. Especially if the aircraft has to respawn, oftentimes it just ignores me after that and doesn't move. It just looks like MACC controlled craft tend not to have those issues.

    Can't wait to try the new release out, I've been reading through the GitHub and there's some really exciting stuff coming down. Very interested to learn more about the module-integrated C2ISTAR tasks.

    Also, I ran my mission on the server overnight, to see how the AI would play out over a long period of time. The conventional forces seem fine enough, although it seems they do settle into a stagnant position after a while, with neither side really attacking. I've upped the amount of units being placed at the beginning as maybe it's a case of not enough units to both hold the objectives on the map and also attack (it is Altis, pretty big AO).

    The insurgency, however, seems pretty toothless. When I debug, I see a couple insurgent groups moving about and no IED's. It just doesn't seem like any recruitment is happening. Any tips on getting the insurgency to kick into gear? I've double checked the modules, and it all seems fine to my eye. I've gone in and adjusted the civilian hostility level and changed installations to high to see if that helps things out a bit. Going to run the new version while I'm at work today and see how it develops by the time I get back. I can also post up the mission later today if anybody feels like helping a dude out and checking my work.

  2. @Pokey The profiles going off map is currently being investigated. Regarding strategic tasks, apparently they are only assault tasks (for now) so you’ll only get them when OPCOM reports an offensive assault (pretty sure if I understand it right) and that can take some time. I asked the same thing a few days ago because I didn’t get any “tasks” either. Apparently I would eventually but I haven’t confirmed.