Persistent World/Map on dedicated Server

  1. 7 years ago

    Hi there! Im enjoying alive a lot just there is one thing I like to ask for help:

    Whenever I load my mission, the map will be revamped. All buildings that have been destroyed will be fresh up again.
    I ve read before that I need to save the Profile before restarting the Server and it should be stored at /.local/share/Arma 3 - Other Profiles/$profile/$profile.vars.Arma3Profile .
    My Server runs at , so I asked these guys and the answer was: "No, that file you are looking for is stored at /arma3/config/Users/Lokaler%20Dienst and its named Lokaler%20Dienst.vars.Arma3Profile.
    However the world did still reset and the savegame for war room couldnt be loaded anymore, instead the mission restarted, just as I ve changed the mission name, which I didnt.
    I wonder what I did wrong? Is that the right file? Thanks for your help in advance!

  2. Edited 7 years ago by marceldev89

    I'll assume that you're talking about map buildings like houses and stuff. Those aren't persisted.

  3. Nothing is wrong. All buildings always go back to their non-destroyed state after a session is restarted.


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