Beginner Question - Civ. Obj. acting up

  1. 7 years ago

    Hey guys, i got a problem creating a simple mission.

    My Mil. Placement (Civ. Obj.) Module only spawns troops of the opposite faction I entered unter 'Force Faction'. I checked and double checked if the faction spelling was correct, if the military commander had the right faction and so on. Not even the opposite military commander is responsible for this since i deleted him and all his military placement modules in order to track the error.

    When i erase the civillian objective module everything is fine.

    Thanks for your help and i apologize in advance for my basic knowledge, just started working with ALiVE.

  2. Edited 7 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS

    Without knowing more about your setup, it's tough to say. But good news is the solution should be simple.

    What faction are you using? What's the faction name? Map?

    One thing to keep in mind, is the default options for the modules with use BLU_F and OPF_F. So you'll need to edit them to get the faction you want to spawn spawning.

    Place Military AI Commander as a test. Write BLU_F in the force faction module (I like to put the drop down that says NATO to none. I also write my own factions manually).

    Then place the Military Placement Civilian Obj module down. Write BLU_F in the force faction line. Make the module way "place units" instead of "objectives only" if it says objectives only.

    Sync the CIV Obj module to the Commander module.

    Make sure you have "ALiVE Required" and "Virtual AI" modules placed (and not synced to anything).

    Test by playing the mission and seeing if BLU_F spawn. It will work.

  3. Thanks for the reply.

    I am working with Altis on a Standard OPFOR vs. BLUFOR scenario.

    By following your guide i could pin down what caused the problem although i do not understand it yet.
    I wanted a mixed force of gendarmerie and Nato units to patrol towns for which i put "BLU_F, BLU_GEN_F" into Force Faction of the civillian objective. By removing the gendarmerie faction everything worked as expected.

  4. Edited 7 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS

    You can only use one faction in each mil/civ objective module.

    In the Commander module, you can define multiple factions for the Commander to control, but each faction needs their own individual objective modules.

  5. Ah, i see. Thanks again. I hopefully am able to finish the mission now.


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