AI spawn errors

  1. 7 years ago

    I've came across annoying problem with AI spawn.

    Run scenario from 3d editor -> everything is ok, AI spawn correctly.

    Placed player combat support connected to player CS art, run scenario -> got error "There are are no groups for OPCOM faction(s) ["OPF_F"]", BLU_F dont spawn either but without error msg.

    Double checked all millitary AI, run scenario -> same thing but BLU_F spawn
    Run with modules debug -> everything is ok, all factions spawn correctly
    Run again -> all AI spawns for OPF_F - I mean , I have no info thath BLU_F cant spawn - If I look at the map I see that ALL AI spawned only for OPF_F

    Srsl - any ideas what is wrong?
    Spawning vanilla units.

    Maybe its ARP2 items? Got few on map but everything was ok before.

  2. I've had problems with ARP2 objects and unit spawning in the past. Try removing the dependency and see if that helps.

  3. Ok I run a few tests and Im pretty sure it's some kind of debugger bug (lel)

    Test 1 : military placement without debug - show placements on map, doesnt populate
    Test 2 : military placement with debug - show placement, populate with 4 groups (...)
    Test 3 : custom mil placement with debug - same result like in test 2
    Test 4: custom mil placement without debug - do nothing

    Also I noticed that sometimes OPF-F get extra groups. f.e I have groups number 78-79 and other numbers are in OPF_F side O_o

    Removing ARP2 objects doesnt have any impact on OPCOM behaviour.

  4. Ok i solved the problem I think ....

    1. I desynchronized player unit with Virtual AI
    2. Then placed custom military objective = spawned all 50 groups I wanted
    3. Then placed millitary placement with unit place = Got 43 groups ( dunno why? ), see objective circles - one is my custom base, other one is lighthouse but I dont see any spawned units there ( they should spawn right?)

    Everything seems to be good to this point.
    Later I'm gonna place other modules.

    Before tests I wanted to spawn units only in my custom main base , I've placed other modules but objective only because I wanted OPCOM to capture them with units from my main base - It doesnt seem to work that way?
    All modules was synched with TAOR marker for my side.

    • Light houses are civilian objects meaning a military placement module won't recognize them.
    • What do you mean by "All modules was synched with TAOR marker for my side."?
    • Units do not need to be synced to the Virtual AI module unless you want ALiVE to control them. Example: You place a manned Blackfoot down and sync it, then ALiVE can use it and control it. Otherwise it doesn't need to be virtualized.
  5. "All modules was synched with TAOR marker for my side" = I mean all placement modules got TAOR ( not synched by lines ofc :P )

    So as far as I understand I cant place custom module spawning 50 groups and then mil civ placement module with just objectives assigned to one TAOR?
    I need to chose "place units" in mil civ - otherwise groups from custom module are not spawned.

  6. Edited 7 years ago by mrsurv

    Ok so it seems more modules I place --> less units I get

    A) I placed custom base with 50 groups spawn, no other placement modules -> got 50 groups

    B)Place custom base, military obj and civ obj

    • > without debug mode -> 4-5 groups
    • > with debug mode -> 56 groups and one motorized ( I checked only light infantry! )

    Also strange group names - I have e0-10 and 20-56 , e10-20 are on OPF_F side ?????

    I really need help with this ;/

  7. Edited 7 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS

    Like I said before, I had the exact same issue with units spawning differently depending on the debug setting due to a mod conflict. I felt pretty confident at the time it was ARP2 objects. Please try removing it and retesting.

    What other mods or scripts are you using? Also, if you are getting the author is not a value error, eliminate whatever is causing that as well.


  9. Last test:

    I thought that maybe my base I created with editor was f*** up spawning so:

    a)Change place of all blufor modules and TAOR on the map
    b)turn off debug
    c)delete ambient civilian placement and TAOR for it

    --> everything works!

    a) Place everything back to previous locations
    b) turn off debug

    --> everything works!

    a) add civilian TAOR and placement module


    Conclusion - civilian placement with his taor was causing problems with blufor units spawn.
    HeroesandvillainsOS - I have read conversation you started and you had similar problems with civilian placement so there is some kind of bug with it.

    I was trying to high populate nearest city.

    Devs should really look at this ;)

  10. Edited 7 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS

    If you're using ARP2 objects or getting the author is not a value error there's nothing for the devs to look at. Please eliminate the error if you have it, and remove the ARP2 dependency and test again.

    They will only look into the error if you can duplicate it in a vanilla (ALiVE and CBA) only setting. Trust me, I wish they had all the time in the world to make ALiVE compatible with everything. :) All I can say is if you want any chance of it being fixed, you need to remove as many variables as possible. Not only that, but in this instance, I discovered the problem months ago. You're causing yourself unnecessary stress trying to duplicate an issue I already isolated.

    My advice would be to get rid of those things and see if it's fixed (or if it's not, you can report a new conflict), and just enjoy your mission. I wasted weeks trying to isolate that problem. Save yourself! :)

  11. Replicate with only CBA and ALIVE loaded

    Step by step repro instructions

    Intended result vs actual result


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