OPCOM profiles not loading in multiplayer

  1. 7 years ago
    Edited 7 years ago by dev614

    When I test my mission in single player, everything works correctly. My BLUFOR OPCOM initiates with around 35 profiles, my independent OPCOM initiates with about 70 profiles, and my OPFOR OPCOM initiates with around 150 profiles. I'm able to use C2ISTAR functions such as intel/command objectives and operations in single player as well. When I try to test my mission in multiplayer, my BLUFOR and independent OPCOMS don't initiate the profiles right, the BLUFOR reading 1 profile and the independent 0. Anybody experience anything similar, or have any suggestions?

  2. Edited 7 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS

    I've experienced similar things in SP actually. Usually as a result of just adding some new objects to a feature complete mission (such as building a base or insurgent compound). For that, I just open and close all the modules (starting with the required, then OPCOM then objectives, then the next OPCOM then objectives). It almost always fixes it.

    DLEGION had similar problems in MP not long ago and I think he fixed it by rebuilding the mission over again. As far as I'm aware, there's no sensible reason why you'd have to take such an extreme step. At least not as your first step. But I will say, certain errors can break the initialization of ALiVE (for instance, the "author is not a value error" and some others I've seen first hand), so if you have any errors and opening and closing modules doesn't fix it, remove assets or scripts or mods until you're relatively error free and see if the problem persists.

  3. The only errors I recieve are the author is not a value, and then the objective count error suggesting I stay below 90. I'll attempt to open and close all the modules shortly, and I'll look into resolving the "author error". If none of that works, I'll report back here! Let me take the time to thank you for your helpfulness though, Heroes. I appreciate all the advice and solutions.


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