Trouble with TAORS in Eden editor

  1. 7 years ago

    So I'm somewhat of a novice at this. But I can't markers to work for the TAORS for the life of me in the eden editor. I keep getting the "place civilian objectives in your TAORS" along with "0 objectives found"(two of them, which i assume means neither OPCOM can find an objective) I'll place a marker, set it to sat 500x500 and it covers the whole map. I set it to a smaller number such 50x50 and it'll be a more feasible size, however when you zoom in and out the marker size changes with the camera, making telling its actual size much more difficult. Could someone give/show me an example of a marker size and location for Altis? Ideally I want to me a campaign where BluFor starts at the main airbase on Altis and OPFoR controls the rest of the island(obviously BluFor's objective being to take the rest of the island), it should be noted that given I'm still getting the hang of this, for the sake of practicing I tried to make it so the island was divided 50/50 between blufor and opfor. And that's when I ran into this issue. It's a noob question I know and I'm sure you guys get enough of these. But I've been reading the wiki and watching the tutorials, I'm piecing everything together according to the instruction. I guess it's the way they made the markers in Eden that makes this a pain.

    Bonus question
    Would my ideal scenario as mentioned above be wise? I worry maybe if Opfor attacks back Blufor would be too easily wiped out

  2. Friznit

    24 Jul 2016 Administrator

    Press M to place markers on the map view. Much easier to see. Also markers must completely cover at least one objective. Run Mil & Civ placement with debug on and no TAORs, then screenshot the results so you have a handy reference of where all the objectives are.

    Give both sides a safe zone. That way they can never wholly be wiped out.

  3. Also, that's a very feasible scenario! It's in a similar vein to what Tupolov made for the Tanoa QuickStart mission, so you know if it's a concept a Dev uses, you are good! :)

    Like Friznit said, just make sure you have BLUFOR spawn in a zone where OPFOR can't spawn.

  4. @Friznit Press M to place markers on the map view. Much easier to see. Also markers must completely cover at least one objective. Run Mil & Civ placement with debug on and no TAORs, then screenshot the results so you have a handy reference of where all the objectives are.

    Give both sides a safe zone. That way they can never wholly be wiped out.

    That's the thing I am running it in map view, that's where the difficulty comes from. I think it'd be easier to do in 3D view.
    but I'll be sure to do the rest, and see where it takes me.


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