APEX Factions

  1. 7 years ago

    Hey guys,
    Just setting up a mission for Tanoa but I can't find any info on APEX factions.
    I'm looking for the NATO Pacific troops and CTRG, I have searched only come up with the ALiVE Wiki that doesn't seem to have anything on the APEX factions.

    Any help greatly appreciated.

  2. NATO (Pacific) - BLU_T_F
    Gendarmerie - BLU_GEN_F

    CSAT (Pacific) - OPF_T_F

    Syndikat - IND_C_F

    Next ALiVE update will feature an addition to the EDEN context menu that will allow you to copy the faction of a selected unit to your clipboard :)

  3. Friznit

    19 Jul 2016 Administrator
    Edited 7 years ago by Friznit

    They're also in the drop downs in the Military AI Commander module.

  4. And also, whenever in doubt....

    Right click on the unit and open the config viewer. Scroll down to the faction line.

    This is useful to know when trying out new units in your missions.

  5. Great stuff guys, Thank you.


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