Tanoa: Civpop Not Loading on Dedicated Server [FIXED]

  1. 7 years ago

    Hi guys, I'm having an issue where the civilian modules on Tanoa don't load at all on a dedicated server... but they are fine on a non-dedi. Issue doesn't exist on other maps. Just using CBA and ALiVE. Anybody else seeing something similar?

  2. I haven't played with Tanoa (with civs) on a server yet. Are they loading ok on other maps? I haven't checked that since the update either.

  3. Seem to, although it could be because the missions I've tested were made with pre-update modules. So either civilians modules aren't working with the latest update or civilian modules on Tonoa aren't working... I'll do a little more digging.

  4. Just confirmed this does not happen on Altis or CUP maps. Only Tanoa.

    Steps to reproduce: Create a basic mission with both civilian modules, load it onto a dedicated server, log in as admin, enable civilian module debug. No markers will appear and no civilians will appear.

    Suggests it's an issue with the index rather than with the modules themselves.

  5. Same issue on this end

  6. Damn, glad you guys caught this. I was just starting to plan out and work on a Tanoa mission for some covert ops against a rebel/gang (Syndikat) faction that has taken over the islands.

    Hopefully this gets fixed soon.

  7. Edited 7 years ago by SpyderBlack723

    It's Very likely that nothing can be done until the Tanoa files are unencrypted

  8. That is disappointing to hear, I just finished making an insurgency mission on Tanoa only to find out the civpop won't load. Hopefully it can be fixed sooner than later.

  9. Well, I guess it's off to some other form of Civ spawner. Zenophons framework, MCC maybe... I'll experiment and see what I can get to work.
    Civ's in my mission will be mainly distractions and "don't shoot here!" anyways. Unless I can steal some of that code I saw in another thread for increasing/decreasing reputation.

  10. It's Very likely that nothing can be done until the Tanoa files are unencrypted

    Quick question, why does the civpop load in single player but not multiplayer? How does the dedicated server change the spawning?

  11. Tbh, no clue. However, the fact that it only occurs on Tanoa leads me to believe it's related to the map in some way. Only @Tupolov can answer that.

  12. Be sure to post if the problem gets fixed, I'll be looking forward to it. Keep up the great work!

  13. Tupolov

    18 Jul 2016 Administrator

    will test and try to fix for our release this week.

  14. Thank you Tupolov! If there's any testing or anything I can do to help, please let me know.

  15. Tupolov has resolved this issue for the next release soon™

  16. YES! Amazingly quick fix! Hurry up and release!

    Haha jk thanks though!

  17. Shorts and polo shirts. College dude bros, basically.

    Coming to an exotic island near you. :)

    Thanks for the quick fix guys.

  18. Released! Thanks for the quick responses and fixes you guys are great!


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