use only Virtual AI system

  1. 7 years ago

    I wanted to use the Virtual AI system alongside a "traditional" ArmA 3 mission. Meaning no ALiVE modules except for the Virtual AI System to reduce the amount of active units on the map at once. The module doesn't seem to work as intended though. Here is what I tried (on the new map Tanoa):
    Placed the "ALiVE required" module.
    Placed the "Virtual AI System" module and set it up to virtualize everything except synced units and spawn no more than 2 groups at once.
    Placed a Blufor player in the south of the map.
    Placed about 50 Opfor Units in the North (not grouped together) as well as a couple of "Sentry" groups.

    Then I launched the mission, waited a couple of seconds and then used the debugger to count the Opfor units, there were about 70. I also used the camera to fly over to their location and they were all still there. I expected them to be virtualized by ALiVE and thereby not visible on the battlefield until my player gets close enough. What have I done wrong? I couldn't find anything about virtualizing editor-placed units, so does it only work with ALiVE-created units?

  2. Edited 7 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS

    It only works with ALiVE created units and also won't work on Tanoa until the map gets indexed.

    EDIT: It also works with manually placed units synced to the Virtual AI module, but you still need a Military AI commander with objectives. At least I'm pretty sure this is how it works.

  3. Friznit

    12 Jun 2016 Administrator

    LuLeBe is correct. You should be able to place ALiVE (Required), Virtual AI module and set it to virtualise everything. It may not virtualise individual units though. Try testing it with a single group and a very low spawn range just to see that it works.

    ALiVE can virtualise anything but only supports move and cycle waypoint types.

  4. Ah good to know! I'm surprised more servers that complain of performance problems haven't tried this out. Very cool!

  5. Edited 7 years ago by SpyderBlack723

    And, depending on what camera you are talking about, Zeus can spawn ALIVE units as well, which might be what you saw.


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