Edited 8 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS

The mission I posted on the github reproduces it reliably (though it may be sloppy. I made it in 5 minutes). Can I post anything that would help you see why it is happening such as logs with certain modules debugged?

In the mission on GitHub, I can teleport to just a few groups and see CSAT very quickly. I see it in all of my missions actually - regardless of maps or modset - so I'm very surprised you can't repro it.

I can duplicate this with CUP units, Massi Units, CAF units, etc. Any unit pack I throw down ultimately produces CSAT.

The key here is that you need to teleport because this issue is seldom. 1 group out of hundreds might be CSAT. Most people wouldn't see it during normal play because of this...until they suddenly do but that could take hours upon hours. Teleporting can reliably repro within minutes.

Anyway, your wish is my command. I can help with this and other stuff if you need it. It would be my pleasure as the forums seem pretty dead right now and I can imagine you might need hands on deck. This particular bug just kills missions for me though so let me know.