vehicle class alive_require no longer exists

  1. 8 years ago
    Edited 8 years ago by lawnDartLeo

    Greetings. I have set up a very vanilla ALiVE server, installed VC++2010 and used the operation landlord mission as my kickoff ALiVE mission (no edits by me, virgin material from your downloads). The problem is that regardless of using my hosted dedicated server or my spare box in my basement here, I get the following error upon joining the server...

    blah blah blah..... vehicle class alive_require no longer exists

    ... spamming over and over and over between screen flashing.

    The only mods being passed in the server string are CBA and ALiVEServer. Or in the case of my basement box and TADST.... CBA, ALiVEServer, carts, helos, marks and Zeus.

    What am I missing?

  2. You need both @alive and @aliveserver on the server.

  3. You only need @aliveserver running if you are connecting to the War Room for mission persistence, otherwise do not load it. Both the server and clients do require @alive.

    So your server -mods param should be:



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