Massi's Middle East Warfare/African Conflict

  1. 8 years ago

    Just wondering if any of you all have used these mod packs for insurgencies recently? I'm thinking of using the Middle East Insurgents and civs for my Afghan missions and the African Rebels and civs for my African mission but I see in both of his threads they originally had problems with ALiVE (go-karts spawning, bad script errors, units not spawning at roadblocks, vehicles not spawning even when using the vehicles PBO, etc).

    Are the playing nicely with ALiVE Assymetric?

  2. Edited 8 years ago by DaVidoSS

    They are. But unfortunately i have to use config patch for that mod to achieve full insurgency capabilities.

  3. Oh well that's a shame. What happens if you don't use it?

    Could you share the patch (and tell me how to install it)?

  4. Edited 8 years ago by DaVidoSS

    its a config patch for takistan insurgents adding vehicles to the faction. You need to load it in the same method as other mods.

  5. Did you copy the Optional Vehicle files into the addons folder? Otherwise the faction will not access Massi's vehicles.

  6. I tried using the optional vehicle files a few months ago and it didn't do anything (might have been fixed since maybe) I would also really like the config patch DaVidoSS if thats alright :D

  7. Edited 8 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS

    @Opendome I tried using the optional vehicle files a few months ago and it didn't do anything (might have been fixed since maybe) I would also really like the config patch DaVidoSS if thats alright :D

    Yeah me too. Davidoss thanks for telling me how to use it but where do I find it?

    Do the other factions for Massi's Middle East and African units need config patches to work with ALiVE insurgencies too? I was hoping to use the Middle East Insurgents and African Rebels as they suit the style of my missions a bit better I'd think.

  8. Edited 8 years ago by DaVidoSS

    Yes mass units is really the best created standalone easter mods.
    If any faction from that mod uses vehicles you need to run with mas vehicles + optional config from that faction mod. But for example the takistan insurgents HD are not using any vehicles at all. This was the case forced me to create a config patch for that faction. The HD version is pretty cool because they produce a really heavy firefight when contact enemy. The config patch its already posted somewhere on that forum but i can post it again if i find it

  9. Thanks.

    So to your knowledge, all the other African and Middle East HD factions (vehicles version) should work ok with ALiVE insurgencies and just the Takistani's needed the config patch you made?

  10. Oh Massis built in optional vehicle config works now?

  11. @Opendome Oh Massis built in optional vehicle config works now?

    Yeah this was kind of the gist I was getting at. Massi's vehicle packs never worked for me in the past. Not to mention other issues I heard about too but those complaints were from like a year ago.

  12. Edited 8 years ago by DaVidoSS

    Maybe i will show you how to keep order in that chaos.

    You will use @middle_East_Warfare
    This mod is adding units/factions.
    This units need gear/weapons/equipment.
    That is forcing you to load the mod with @NATO_Russian_SF_Weapons

    If in @middle_East_Warfare are factions which has groups with vehicles (cfgGroups) you need to load
    @mas_nato_rus_sf_veh too.
    But there also small optional config in


    which need to be load too, to add vehicles groups for that factions.

    Best way to achieve that easily is to create another mod(folder)
    called for example


    Inside that folder, folder Addons and copy there the optional config bpos. This will make the original mod intact.
    You can easily manage your optional configs for masi(veh,factions) by load @mas_compatibilities or not.

  13. Edited 8 years ago by DaVidoSS

    @HeroesandvillainsOS  Thanks.

    So to your knowledge, all the other African and Middle East HD factions (vehicles version) should work ok with ALiVE insurgencies and just the Takistani's needed the config patch you made?

    Alive insurgency environment need definitely vehicles group in insurgents factions. I have created a config patch because the mod author decide to live takistan insurgents HD without any vehicles group. There are men group only, no static guns no vehicles. Loading patch, gives the faction config standardization like default arma faction have.

  14. @DaVidoSS Maybe i will show you how to keep order in that chaos.

    You will use @middle_East_Warfare
    This mod is adding units/factions.
    This units need gear/weapons/equipment.
    That is forcing you to load the mod with @NATO_Russian_SF_Weapons

    If in @middle_East_Warfare are factions which has groups with vehicles (cfgGroups) you need to load
    @mas_nato_rus_sf_veh too.
    But there also small optional config in


    which need to be load too, to add vehicles groups for that factions.

    Best way to achieve that easily is to create another mod(folder)
    called for example @mas_compatipilities

    Inside that folder, folder Addons and copy there the optional config bpos. This will make the original mod intact.
    You can easily manage your optional configs for masi(veh,factions) by load @mas_compatipilities or not.

    Thanks for the breakdown! But I was under the impression the optional vehicle PBO was already in the correct Addon folder for the vehicle versions of the unit pack. Is that not the case?

    I'll take a look when I get home but I find it strange the vehicle versions wouldn't have the optional vehicle PBO already enabled.

  15. Edited 8 years ago by DaVidoSS

    Almost every mas factions mod has it own optional config inside adding using for mas vehicles. This optional pbos will be not load if not in Addons folder.

  16. Ok I get it. So basically you're saying you take the optional PBO you want and make it it's own Addon because otherwise, not only would it not work otherwise, but Steam will reset it when you log back in. Makes sense. I just find it weird he wouldn't include them all in the main Addon folder in the vehicles versions of his unit packs. I figured that was the point of having vehicles and non-vehicles versions of his packs.

  17. I've used the African Conflict mod a ton and never have any issues with it.

    I agree with DaVido..especially after the latest updates (really great Vests/Helmets for Massi's units now) collection of unit packs that can be "modular" and cover just about every part of the globe.

    He even has a Chinese PLA mod. That's probably the biggest glaring hole in the a variety of Chinese/North Korean unit mods. I imagine when Tanoa releases...more mod makers will move to Asian inspired maps and units.

  18. @AUTigerGrad I've used the African Conflict mod a ton and never have any issues with it.

    I agree with DaVido..especially after the latest updates (really great Vests/Helmets for Massi's units now) collection of unit packs that can be "modular" and cover just about every part of the globe.

    He even has a Chinese PLA mod. That's probably the biggest glaring hole in the a variety of Chinese/North Korean unit mods. I imagine when Tanoa releases...more mod makers will move to Asian inspired maps and units.

    Have you ever tried his African civs? I mean I'll test it later but someone asked me privately if I could get them working but I haven't actually had a chance to check yet.

    I'll give his Middle East Insurgents a chance later on too. Hopefully they work ok. A lot of complaints last year people had issues with ALiVE Assymetric but we'll see.

  19. I was playing around with his Takistani civilians the other day and they looked great apart from the fact there's one model rocking the aviator glasses and a suit. Seemed a little out of place to me.

  20. Yeah that doesn't seem right. Have you tried the Middle East civs mas_med_cim?

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