Alive MP mission no player slots

  1. 8 years ago


    Im trying to make a persistent campaign on takistan with ALiVE.
    When i play in MP through the 3D editor it works but when i upload the mission to our A3 server, it wont show any player slots.
    Have tried checking all the modules and i cant seem to find the error.
    By any chance anyone had a similar issue?

  2. Have you changed the units you want to allow people to use to "playable"?

  3. Hi Sheeps, the option is checked.

  4. Tupolov

    11 May 2016 Administrator

    Did you disableAI for the mission?

  5. Yes AI is disabled on the mission

  6. Edited 8 years ago by SpyderBlack723

    Either the server or the connecting client does not have all of the required mods for the mission.

  7. ^ what he said. This is 99% caused by not having required mods loaded... usually on the server. Check your server's RPT file to verify.

    Also an easy test is to create a simple mission on Stratis using vanilla units and upload that to the server.

  8. Make sure if you see a tab in the top left corner called "BLUFOR" (if you're playing as them) that you click on it. I sent out some of my missions privately to people and was asked this over and over. I think it has to do with Headless Client and this started to occur after the 1.58 update. Otherwise this is 100% a mod related issue. AuTigerGrad's threads get spammed with this question and the answer is always the same (either the wrong mod or the wrong mod or not having the correct version of the mod on the server).

  9. That did it. i just reuploaded alive to the server.
    Thanks for all the answers :)


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