Odd AI Spawning

  1. 8 years ago

    Hey - Love Alive. Made Arma a new game for me, but having a few issues.

    I have a pretty simple scenario which is enemy occupied area I run missions into to capture live enemy. Using ACE and bunch of mods.

    I am using 2 SF units, supported by 2 x Apache and 1 x CH-47. All Helos synced to the Support module. THERE ARE NO OTHER BLUFOR in the game - as I have set it out. There are no help response allowed.

    BUT, when one of the Apaches was shot down I suddenly had a virtual Apache crew pop up in a house nearby - as shown on Blue Force Tracker - and about 400m from where the Apache went down. - and my original Apache crew were still shown moving.

    How do I prevent this, as in prevent virtual Blue Force spawning into the game?

    Very many thanks.

  2. OK, maybe answering my own issue here. I strongly suspect it was to do with having the CQB setting set to "dominant" rather than "static." Does that make sense?

  3. Friznit

    4 May 2016 Administrator

    Very likely yes. The crew bailing out in the cqb zone became the dominant faction in the zone, so CQB responded by creating more ambient groups to simulate an occupied tow

  4. Friznit. Thanks mate. Good to know. Love ALiVE but ya A*llah, it is fiddly. Took me three days to get the AA exclusion right, but when it works it is a wonder to behold.

  5. Friznit

    4 May 2016 Administrator

    Easy to use, difficult to master ;)

    If you want to do anything that's not strictly in by design, you get straight back into the old school mission editing and scripting issues! AA exclusion is unfortunately one of those things that has to be done manually on account of the widely different classnames and inheritances used by various mods.


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