Units only spawn when module is debugged? (SOLVED)

  1. 8 years ago


    Show in context Administrator

    PS: As you are one of the most active comm memebrs I am gonna devug your mish as far as I can once im back after moving.

  2. highhead

    Show in context Administrator


    As promised I took a look.

    There are 2 ambient civilian placement modules with the same settings in that mission, that will have strange impacts. Furthermore the asym-CQB is set to "strategic" but there are no strategic buildings (use "civilian" setting). For the second (friendly) CQB module down south I suggest to also use type "civilian" with a low enemy setting (2%, density medium, Pair).

    For the strange things... I can only get this behaviour in this mission and after i switched all enemy factions to OPF_F as an example it worked again and your 3CB Blufor untis spawned. Its hard to find the original cause, because... ...there are so many errors in that mission (due to issues with all that addons), that break the init process completely (which ensures scripts load at full speed so this also causes longer load times). This did not at all happen with any test setup I ran that came close to your mission.

    I highly suggest that you turn on -showScriptErrors param in your startup line - I would not live with that errors and I'd ditch all that addons esp. config errors and only keep Kunduz, CUP and switch to another unit addon that is still beeing worked on officially. Build your bases with the available assets (there are plenty, also use the ingame compositions and not go for any new mod dependency only because of the eye-candy). This will keep you from bad headaches and ensure your players have a decent expierence without having to download x halfway broken mods from x sources (they simply wont do that in the first place either way). Will (maybe) go a bit deeper but not today.

    Hope that helps for now!
    Have a nice eve

  3. Edited 8 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS

    I think I was wrong on ARP2 objects. Don't get me wrong, it caused major issues looking back on it with log spam and load times and unnecessary errors and probably wrong factions spawning and I don't regret removing it but I think the actual culprit was having 2 civilian placement modules as Highhead warned against.

    I played for a couple hours(ish) on the server. Debug was off and everything was fine. This was just with removing ARP2 and JBAD when everything was ok (finally) after multiple tests. I decided BLUFOR may have been a bit too strong during my session so I went into the editor, changed BLUFOR spawn numbers and suddenly the issue came back. Debug on = more spawns again. And I tested this over and over after just removing ARP2 and I could not duplicate the error anymore but the problem suddenly came back again tonight.

    Removed all but one of my civilian placement modules and now the issue seems to have gone away again. ALiVE is more of a delicate flower than I had originally assumed. It's crazy how problem was 'gone' gone and suddenly came back and then went away again.