Customising the ALiVE Menu

  1. 9 years ago


    Is it possible to add custom options to the self interaction ALiVE menu? If so, how do you go about doing this?


  2. ARJay

    8 Nov 2014 Administrator

    Not at the moment, no it's not possible to add to the ALiVE menu.

  3. Edited 9 years ago by cpd


    Really? Trololololol. Managed to work some magic.

  4. ARJay

    10 Nov 2014 Administrator

    Ah nice!

  5. Care to let us know how you did it cpd? :P

  6. Let me refine the script because its quite... all over the place at the moment. I'll post it up once I've tidied it up.

  7. Okay, I look forward to it :)


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