Custom Bases

  1. 8 years ago

    Hi, Quick question (love the mod by the way):

    Creating a custom base in a mission with military equipment, would the military objective module recognize my base as a military structure OR is it only structures initially built into the map?

    Thanks for you help in advance.

  2. I feel like ALiVE only recognizes maps and their placements as 'conditioned' by the ALiVE devs, but I could be wrong. I would love to know this as well.

  3. Friznit

    25 Jul 2015 Administrator

    Not automatically, however you can simply place an empty custom military objective on the location and define the size/priority as you wish. AI spawned by ALiVE will still take up positions in any bunkers/weapons in the area (but not empty player vehicles, we should have fixed that hopefully!)

  4. Whoa, neat. Well, that's easy.

  5. So currently a very popular map is Kunduz, amazingly built. Now the only structures that are initially built into the map are civilian structures.

    If I was to place a military objective module (mil obj) because there is no military structures on the map it would not work, correct? because no mil obj are built into it.

    So a way to solve this would be to create a cust obj correct?

  6. Friznit

    25 Jul 2015 Administrator

    There are actually 18 military objectives recognised by ALiVE on that map but most of them are super secret hidden cave bases ;)

    But yes, you can slap down a custom objective or three if you want some more military style bases around.

  7. Edited 8 years ago by saint

    HA! Mind has been blown with that response, I get errors when a mil obj is on the map but I think its due to no TAOR being set to it.

    Thanks for replying Friz, top bloke. Im new to using ALiVE but have spent hours at the screen thinking of possibilities and testing scenarios, way better then actually playing the game.

    I tend to get confused with what I'm doing because ideas run onto the screen but I'll restart with a fresh map and guide like below.

  8. Friznit

    25 Jul 2015 Administrator

    Eric's guide is excellent and far better than my meagre efforts on our wiki. In theory you don't need a TAOR - if you just stick down ALIVE (Required), Virtual AI system and Mil Placement module with debug on (objectives only) and run up the map it should show you where the objectives are.

    What errors are coming up?

  9. Ill reduplicate the error tonight (im an aussie living in brazil) and ill post the error i get.

  10. Well. . . I can't seem to generate the error anymore.

    But I have noticed that when activating the debug I can't see any military objectives on the map, only civilian and some of the indexes seem to be out.


  11. Those are the mil objectives, you can tell because it says MIL|x|x, if it's a civilian objective it will say CIV|x|x

  12. omg, ofcourse! I'm such a dumb ass!


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