Edited 9 years ago by ElectroEsper

encountered something today.

I'm building a campaign using RHS and I'm using reference sheets to manually build the enemy forces. (A.K.A, not letting ALiVE populate it, just commanding it)

Now the issue, the AI Commander is not using editor placed units.

Faction : rhs_faction_usarmy_wd
Note : I tried with every supported RHS US Factions.

It will spawn its own forces just fine if I let him do, but it will never used placed (and profiled) units.
However, a test with CSAT units indicates that its AI Commander do use placed units.

Also, my RPT do not seems to call anything obvious(to me).

Any help will be welcome.

Thanks in advance.

Edit : Tried doing the same with RHS Russians, so far having the same issues as with the US Army.