AI Commander and unit numbers

  1. 9 years ago

    Two questions:

    1. If two AI Commander modules use the same faction but have different objectives (each commander has different TAOR), will this cause issues? Will they both try to command the same units at the same time? Will they ignore one of the TAORs? Will the commanders get merged together? Or will they simply command their own units in their corresponding TAOR? How does this work?

    2. What dictates how many units there are on the map? Let's say I create an AI Commander and spawn 30 units in a town on Altis. I also cover the entire map with empty objectives for that commander. Will he only use 30 units at a time? Will he spawn more units over time? Will he spawn more units the more objectives he captures?

  2. Friznit

    8 May 2015 Administrator

    1. Can't be done. You'll get an error message and one ai commander will be disabled.

    2. The figure in the placement module (number of groups, not units). They don't gain new groups ever although with Logistics they can replace dead groups. The exception is Asymmetric which will recruit new units in a sectot if hostility is very high.

  3. Edited 9 years ago by BlackAlpha

    Thanks for the reply.

    One more question on number 2. I've been trying to give the AI Commander units through scripting. Will doing something like the following cause any issues down the line?

    ["rhs_group_nato_usarmy_wd_infantry_squad", _pos] call ALIVE_fnc_createProfilesFromGroupConfig;

    EDIT: Also another question about Commander AI. Does OPCOM support missions where redfor is friendly to greenfor? Or will they try to capture each other's areas?

  4. Shouldn't cause any issues.

    Yes redfor vs greenfor is supported... so is blufor vs redfor vs greenfor.


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