Mission Templates

  1. 9 years ago

    hey spyder - just spent a few hours playing template 1 - great stuff. I attempted using the HALO insertion many times which works, however in single player and multiplayer my squad does not teleport to me once i land.

  2. First, glad the templates are helping you.

    And to answer your question, I have done a mission like that before but don't really have a vanilla template ready.. I'll start on one tomorrow.

    Performance will obviously depend on your computer but in the end, Altis is a massive island and to properly populate it will be taxing. Arma update 1.44 has significantly improved MP performance so I actually really want to revisit this concept.

    As for one commander being too strong, I guess I'll see for myself what's going on when I make the template. My first guess would be to force a certain amount of groups per side to even it out so one side doesn't get too many armor/mechanized groups.

    If all goes well maybe I can have template for this up tomorrow, for now im off to bed.. school in 5 hours :(

  3. Ah, I see. A bit annoying that it takes way too long for objectives to be given (Sat around for literally 20-30 minutes and nothing happened) but hoping that the changes that are planned for a post 1.0 update will make them a bit more active. Having them react to user generated tasks sounds like exactly the thing to do it.

  4. just burned through ~3 hours making Insurgency ALiVE Stratis.

  5. 8 years ago

    Thank you so much for these templates, I have spent hundreds of hours trying to master mission making with Alive and just one of your missions has shown me more than I learned over all that time. These missions are so good. Love the insurgency one. Keep up the good work man!

  6. Edited 8 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS

    Ha! Yeah I don't think any mistakes I made will kill everyone on mission start so I guess I can feel good about that. What I think I'll do is let the mission breathe here and in the ALiVE thread for a day or two before actually posting it in the User Mission area on BIS. But before doing that I should probably have a "name" for it. Any ideas are welcome. How does Operation Shitshow sound? :)

    I'd love for you to try it Savage! That would mean a lot. I think it's actually pretty decent and polished (famous last words). And fun! I've been messing with making this for I'd say around 50 + hours or so. Any feedback would be great. The documentation on ALiVE is a little loose so I'm sure I made some obvious missteps.

    Any impressions at all would be fantastic. Thanks for all the help.