ALiVE (Required)

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Revision as of 10:56, 1 March 2015 by Friznit (Talk | contribs)

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How It Works

The main ALiVE module is required to make ALiVE work. It also includes settings for the built in Garbage Collector and options to enable saving in Single Player missions.

Usage: Simply place ALiVE (Required) in the editor and choose the settings as desired. Do not sync it to anything.

Optional Parameters

  • ALiVE Versioning: this will output a warning if players attempt to join a server with a different version of ALiVE. Optionally, editors can set it to Kick players as well.
  • Disable SP Save: Saving in Single Player is disabled by default, as the large amount of data in an ALiVE game can cause the client to crash on saving. Enable at your own risk!
  • Disable Adv Markers: turns off the Advanced Marker system. This will also disable persistent markers, SPOTREPs and map drawing.
  • Disable Admin Actions: turns off the admin actions such as ghosting, teleport and debug functions.
  • Garbage Collector: the cycle time and lower threshold for when GC kicks in can be set here. Set to -1 to disable GC completely.
  • GC Exclude: add classnames of objects to exclude completely from the GC. It is also possible to exclude objects by syncing them to the ALiVE module or placing this setvariable ["ALiVE_SYS_GC_IGNORE",true] in the init line.