

Last active 9 years ago

  1. 9 years ago
    Wed Feb 25 11:19:18 2015

    I've read the wiki entries for CQB, but I still don't understand how (or if) it works with the other modules.

    How does it sync with Civ Obj placements in a town? I've had trouble with the Civ Obj module in towns, in that it doesnt seem to recognise the town as an objective (just elements that may or may not be present there). So I instead populate the town with CQB to ensure enemy presence there.

    If the CQB module is synced to the AI Commander, will it recognise the loss of CQB soldiers and send reinforcements to the town?

    What I really want to know is can ALiVe generate a town defense situation? If we've just KO'd all the CQB forces, can we expect tanks to start rolling in?

  2. Tue Feb 24 08:09:17 2015

    I also had the 'walk two steps then reload' happening. I think it was just to do with some other (non-ALiVE) assets and code not loading correctly (hindering but not preventing). Also, the biggest cause is likely filters for the Placement modules - try to reduce the amount it has to selectively "hunt" for objectives and it seems to load quicker.

    My concern is that I've only just populated the south-eastern tip of Altis and am getting long load times. That is without civilians and only 4 platoons and a couple CQB towns. I want to fill-in the entire map with active areas, so this load time at the early-stage does not bode well.

    I've heard that because the only "active" areas are those in proximity to the players on the server, the inactive areas are not a problem. They will not be "processed" (cause load upon the server) unless players enter their area right?

    I'm not sure if I'll be able to run the Headless Client either. This would help with reducing server load and improving the AI. But getting it to work is beyond my knowledge and experience currently, and my server is a VPN so I'd have to run the HC from one of my own PCs. Tutorials in Arma3 community are rarely straight-forward "for dummies" versions.

  3. Tue Feb 24 06:28:42 2015
    Z zyg0tic started the conversation Air unit placement is all wrong.

    At Selakano airfield the helicopter unit spawned by the Military Placement is placed against an industrial shed and blows up immediately. Also had a couple of helicopters spawn under power lines to the west of there. Adjusting the size or position of the marker area didn't help.

  4. Tue Feb 24 01:24:12 2015


    Just want some clarification regarding reinforcement spawns.

    I've read the wiki, but I'm still not sure about it. Say for example I set the Reinforcement Pool to 200. Are 200 new units are being spawned to replenish it? Or are the units being drawn in from the numbers present elsewhere?

    Another way to put it: Are the reinforcements being drawn in from a global pool (for example a pool of 1000 units linked to their AI Commander. Losing 200 units means 1000 - 200)? Or are they added to the global pool (1000 + 200)?

    Pretty important to know this, as it could have quite an impact to be able to deplete an enemy-dense area by making them reinforce other areas.

  5. Tue Feb 24 01:14:10 2015
    Z zyg0tic joined the forum.