

Last active 4 years ago

  1. 6 years ago
    Mon Apr 9 17:57:17 2018

    @GrizzlyBear83 If you don't mind me asking, were you able to get your saves to work properly? I use vCOM via Steam Workshop, can you let me know how you implemented the updates to vCOM to your mission?

  2. Mon Apr 9 16:26:19 2018
    T thick1988 posted in VCom and ALiVE.

    Thanks AUTigerGrad, maybe I'm confused on how vCOM works. As of now I've got vCOM subscribed to on the Steam Workshop. If I clone the repository, how would I overwrite the files the vCOM download from Steam applies? Or have I been using it wrong all along?

  3. Mon Apr 9 03:24:03 2018
    T thick1988 posted in VCom and ALiVE.

    How exactly do you replace the existing vCOM files with the updated ones from the github? my vcom is packed into a pbo, do i need to replace and repack it all or is there a pbo avail?

  4. Thu Apr 5 14:48:33 2018
    T thick1988 posted in Custom Random Camps.

    Afraid I haven't seen one myself, and I'll admit I've never tried my hand at it either yet so my knowledge of it is severely limited.

  5. Wed Apr 4 15:00:28 2018
    T thick1988 started the conversation Editing my factions after creation.

    So, I have made dozens of factions successfully with ORBAT tool, really love it and have got it down without a problem now. The only issue I've run into is how to edit my factions after I've already created them, packed them into a PBO, etc.

    For example, if I want to go back and add additional units or groups, when I load up the game go into ORBAT tool, find my faction in the list > Edit and make changes and export it, overwrite and repack the PBO it errors out on trying to load the game. The only thing I can ever end up doing, is create a whole new faction from scratch and just replace the original. There has to be a better way of simply editing one of my existing factions right? It seems like when I do this though, it wants me to have an ADDITIONAL PBO for the edit, on top of the original pbo for the faction.

  6. Mon Apr 2 19:17:28 2018
    T thick1988 posted in Replacer.

    This video is what I learned how to use the ORBAT tool from:

  7. Mon Apr 2 19:15:48 2018
    T thick1988 posted in Custom Random Camps.


    ^ This thread has a lot of info about replacing default compositions with your own custom ones. It's requires editing some config files/scripts I believe.

  8. Mon Apr 2 19:13:31 2018

    Rody00, I think you'll want to edit your Military Logistics Module to 'Static' for Reinforcement Type, which does this:

    Fixed - Static selection of logistics insertion point. LOGCOM will find the closest High Priority Military Objective to the location of the Logistics module on the map. This must be held by Friendly Forces. If the location is lost, Logistics will cease to function until the objective is recaptured. The objective must be under side control and in "reserve".

    From: http://alivemod.com/wiki/index.php/Military_Logistics

    In my experience, it works really well if you want to have that 'end game' objective or simulate a staging/landing area that reinforcements arrive at to then transition to the frontline.

  9. Sun Apr 1 02:55:07 2018
    T thick1988 posted in Does the AI use artillery?.

    Yeah, so long as the engagement has taken place to where the enemy virtualized group spawns into the actual match.

  10. Thu Mar 29 18:34:00 2018
    T thick1988 posted in Limit Task Types for Player.

    Thanks, I hadn't thought to look in that section of the wiki, and sure enough in the notes it says: NOTE: Currently you cannot blacklist Strategic tasks


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