

Last active 8 years ago

  1. 8 years ago
    Fri Aug 14 01:50:54 2015
    T thisisntchris87 posted in Objectives in friendly TAOR.


    Here's hoping soon is, tomorrow. :P

  2. Fri Aug 14 01:46:44 2015
    T thisisntchris87 posted in Objectives in friendly TAOR.


    Any work arounds?

  3. Fri Aug 14 01:37:08 2015
    T thisisntchris87 started the conversation Objectives in friendly TAOR.

    Using the Insurgency sample mission as a guide, I decided to make an insurgent mission on Stratis, since Altis was getting brief and annoying lockups while the AI was thinking. Plus I wanted to add features from ACE3 and put some other small details in the mission.

    Well I'm having the most unpleasant experience with this mod and the constantly frustrating mission editor (I use other editors in different games, but ARMA's has always been one I thoroughly dislike). I can rant for hours, but I want my mission to work.

    What my mission comprises of is a Blue marker over Stratis Air Base, which I want to act as my Bluefor HQ for artillery and helos. I then have a red marker over the rest of the island and overlapping my Bluefor marker. I've followed the settings and placements from the sample mission and the quick start tutorial, plus added options that I want. Everything is working for the most part, except....

    I get objectives in Stratis Air Base and this happens nearly without fail for certain objectives. For example, I'll get an objective to assault a civilian target and maddeningly it'll generate the target base in Stratis Air Base, in some cases overlapping objects.

    I've double checked names and even deleted ACE3 modules, but nothing seems to make a difference.

    Attached is my mission file without any ACE3 modules.


  4. Fri Aug 14 01:04:08 2015
    T thisisntchris87 joined the forum.