Problem with spdlog::spdlog_ex

  1. 8 years ago
    Edited 8 years ago by kragebein

    Having a slight problem.
    I get the server up and running, which works just fine, enemies spawn, tasks spawn, everything except presistence works.. i Think.

    Whenever i try to add a ALiVE-marker or send a combat report the server just sigfaults (Linux).

    terminate called after throwing an instance of 'spdlog::spdlog_ex'
      what():  Failed opening file @aliveserver/aliveplugin_2015-10-27_04-29.txt for writing
    /home/steam/functions/fn_debug: line 63: 17497 Aborted                 (core dumped) ${executable} ${parms}

    I have even gone so far as to have chmodded the entire mods-directory but to no avail..
    Does anyone know whats up? Google gives me nothing, and i mean nothing.
    0 results! Its a first for me.


    fn_STMG_AssignClientIDOnServer is from st_map_gestures not having been set up correctly, but this is not part of the problem as the problem still occurs even without using the map, (while reporting sitrep).
    st_map_gestures doesnt sigfault the server. The not beeing able to open that file for writing is.. Anyone?

  2. If you rename your folder called @AliveServer to @aliveserver, your problems are gone.
    Remember to update your startscript as well.

  3. renamed the mod, problem still exists. the exact same error

  4. Edited 8 years ago by kragebein

    Should i perhaps rename the plugin itself?

    Where is it trying to write that file? Maybe there is some permissions missing from that exact directory ?

    EDIT: This fixed the problem.
    Both folder and plugin must be in lowercase to work properly.

  5. The plugin shouldn't be lowercase.
    If you did that, then you'll loose persistence as it won't be able to load the plugin.
    Hence the problem vanishes because it'll never load.

    The plugin is trying to write to a folder called @aliveserver located in the same folder as arma3server executable.


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