Edited 4 years ago by DrDetroit

@JD_Wang Thanks for the update JD, much appreciated. Always looking for new toys to plug into my Alive campaigns!

I'm very interested in SSS mod, I'm going to try it out later today. I'm currently in the middle of a Lythium ALive insurgency campaign, and I play solo with 9 AI squad members; is it compatible with solo play or ALive support is better option (I play solo in MP mode, if that makes difference)? Also, is there any conflict with ALive support, can they run together?

KP ranks sounds interesting just in the point system for tracking kills. I have Alive setup to show scores for me and AI, but it seems messed up and not tracking kills and deaths properly.

I use all the Lambs mods, they are pretty awesome! Just works and I noticed the enemy AI will now setup and fire mortars and start raining thunder down on blufor - so cool to see, even if I'm on the receiving side.

Had a nice mission clearing villages in the north western area of Lythium this morning, all is well, no AI deaths and plenty of ISIS kills and insurgency locations dismantled. I take my squad over a hill, not noticing the mortar team on top of a house about 500 meters out. All of a sudden I hear the pops, and the incoming...wiped us out, the whole team, five-times over before we could get out of the zone and kill the team. I was like WTF - was not expecting that at all. It's awful and wonderful at the same time! Got to pay attention constantly now days I guess.

Anywho, I also use All in One mod, which really helps with AI management, along with C2, ACE, ect. I run JSRS and a few other sound mods and such, tactical position, ect...basically personal preference type stuff, adding immersion where possible.

I'm eagerly waiting for the one guy working on Super AI mod. That just may redefine the AI by the time he is done. Looks very promising.

Anyhow, thanks for the heads up on those two mods, gonna try it out.

Good day!