Has anyone else noticed Battle Casualty Replacements/Logistics slowly starting to fail over time?

  1. 7 years ago

    So to piggyback on my original post....

    My current campaign is on Lythium. I started out with over 70 Blufor Groups on the map.

    I do a server save once a day to keep the server fresh and running top notch.

    The mission has been on the server for almost 4 weeks now.

    I currently have 9 Blufor Groups on the map. They aren't replenishing units lost, and the sessions are staying up for at least 24 hours so there is plenty of time for BCRs to come in. I have Logistics set to Constant as well so they should be coming along pretty constantly.

    Because of this....The Opfor numbers are now riiiiiiiiiidiculous lol. They are spawning like bacteria.

  2. Edited 7 years ago by AUTigerGrad

    Well, the cap shouldn't be an issue and here's why in my view.

    If I start with 70 Blufor groups for example and let's say I start receiving casualties and losing groups...if I have it set to constant..I should be receiving reinforcements as soon as I lose 10% of my original force. When I first start the mission...this occurs. However..after at least one server save then restart.....no more reinforcements. For an assymetric campaign..the Occupying Blufor force will sustain casualties but they should be replenishing them pretty quickly. That's not occuring persistently. I think there is an issue with the BCRs working at all after at least one server save and exit.....as in they stop working completely. Which is why I'm seeing my occupying force go from 70 groups to 7 and why the Opfor insurgents are now numbering in the 600s of profiles now on the map.

    Even if I do suffer casualties...the server is staying up for at least 24 hours..plenty of time for Blufor to replenish its ranks at a constant state before doing a server save. So at worst..I should be looking at 60-65 profiles now..instead of 7.

    Now the reason I have noticed this now is because on previous campaigns, Players had the ability to call in reinforcements manually so, because of this, the lack of BCRs persistently wasn't as noticeable since players were bringing in profiles manually. But this mission...I only allowed ammo to be brought in and make the players play as themselves only. So..with no manual reinforcements/profiles being brought in..the issue is MUCH more noticeable.