First things First:

BIG THX to the ALiVE devs for the SP save system!!!

Like TNScout, I couldn't get the regular WarRoom saving and loading to work reliably with my modded missions. Used to have it working fine, but somewhere around the build 1.30 it started to fail always for me. Now, the very same missions that in some cases I didn't even manage to load for starting a session with traditional WarRoom setup, they work so smooth!

And I checked this AI Teammate script snippet today and it worked fine. Only thing I'm not sure is what happens when one of them dies. I had the impression that he respawned on one of the respawn zones I had defined for players. Didn't find him, though...

Or is the (playable slot) AI buddy dead & gone for good when killed?

Nevertheless, I got great game going with WW2 Eastern Front, playing as combat medic - so FUCKING intense with all the immersion mods like immerse, AIS Wounding, bloodlust and whatnot!