1. 9 years ago


    Only suggestion. I would like to make custom units pool. People who release mods arent following your instructions for factios and this make too dificult to edit missions with custom units. At this moment alive is usefull to create missions with Vanilla units or agressors but if you want to other you must introduce manually units over map.

    At this link you explain how to make blacklists or sideDefault.

    Is possible to set whitelist?

    Thanks for this usefull tool!!!

  2. ARJay

    20 Aug 2014 Administrator

    This functionality already exists, it is a bit technical but I have documented it for you here:

    Hope that helps!

  3. Hi again,

    im looking for this functionality and its amazing. But, can i declare a custom pool of units not groups?

    Some factions dont have crew, armored or static in his config.


  4. ARJay

    24 Sep 2014 Administrator

    ALiVE mainly works with group configs. If you cannot get a mod maker to include proper groups in their configs you may have to make a group config yourself. Take a look here at the config we made for the OPFOR Guerillas:

  5. Hi again,

    I continue fighting with this.

    Can i define a class group for example in description inside mission folder or i must make a new pbo with unit config standarisation?

    Thanks and good job with 0.8, amazing news. Im sure vote you on make arma not war.

  6. ARJay

    2 Oct 2014 Administrator

    Hi mate, you can include a config at the mission level, you may have to do some searching, or ask in the configs section of the BIS website.


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