Edited 7 years ago by AUTigerGrad

@HeroesandvillainsOS  Neato! Nice thread.

I've had a REAL itch to not only play on N'Ziwasogo (as you know), but if you ever get bored and could check out the index of Clafghan (some people tell me it still works) and see if you can make your Insurgency magic happen there would be sweet.

Basically I'm saying, even your small single session task based missions are wonderful as well. Good times.



Steam Workshop Link:
*PBO download link and Mods Required are both listed on the steam page above*

In June of 2007, members of the 173rd Airborne Brigade took part in the active patrol and defense of the Korangal Valley of Afghanistan against the Taliban insurgency.
The strongly independent tribes of the Korangal Valley, who have opposed all forms of government other than a council of elders, viewed the U.S. troops as invaders. This created constant tension between the locals and the U.S. military which prevented significant progress against the Taliban. And so, after years of sustained fighting and casualties, the U.S. military closed Korangal Outpost on April 14, 2010, after which the valley reverted to Taliban control. Forty-two American service men died fighting in the Korangal and hundreds were wounded, primarily between 2006 and 2009. Many Afghan soldiers died there as well. The valley has been dubbed "The Valley of Death" by American forces.
This campaign allows you and your friends to take part in this effort as members of the 173rd Airborne.
If you are unfamiliar with my missions....then you have been missing out!! No seriously...if you are not familiar with my missions, my focus is on long term, persistent campaigns using the ALiVE mod framework. For more information on how ALiVE works and how to play visit www.alivemod.com.

Features include:

  • VCOM AI built into the mission itself (NO NEED TO USE AN AI MOD WHEN USING THIS MISSION)
  • Persistence enabled
  • Headless Client support enabled
  • An Insurgency style campaign with IEDs, suicide bombers, advanced civilian interaction, and Insurgent weapon caches and installations
  • Hidden Taliban camps scattered throughout the Korangal Mountain range.
  • Ambient traffic, animal herds
  • Custom images and sounds including authentic afghan billboards, posters, etc. and authentic middle eastern sounds and radio broadcasts from my Ambient sounds packs.
  • Multiple respawn points, including a moveable spawn point
  • Virtual Arsenal, Helo Spawner, Troop spawner
  • Full Logistics support, including reinforcements, supplies, etc.
  • Automated Close Air Support and Helo Transport
  • Other cool stuff
  • NOTE* All of my missions are built with my own clan in mind and catered to. That being said, we use ACE Advanced medical in our missions, which is what this mission is set to. If you don't like Advanced Medical, ACE, or VCOM AI...you are more than welcome to download the pbo, open it in your editor, and adjust to your liking. I will not be removing any of these if requested.

I hope you enjoy it.