marceldev, thank you for the suggestion which I did apply like this

[] spawn {
	waitUntil {!(isNil "ALIVE_REQUIRE_INITIALISED")};
	while {true} do {

yet the game (or should I say the mission) is still outputting the same error that I pasted in my previous response.

Here's a more complete RPT output. There are some other errors too but I at least consider them to be directly because of the first error (that is about the Assertion failed!)

18:07:01 [55697,761.211,0,"CBA_VERSIONING: cba=, alive_main=, "]
18:07:01 [55697,761.27,0,"XEH: PostInit finished."]
18:07:01 ALiVE_sys_acemenu: ACE interact_menu not active or no interface found, exiting
18:07:01 [ALIVE] (mil_OPCOM) ERROR: Assertion failed! x\alive\addons\mil_opcom\fnc_OPCOM.sqf:1949
18:07:01             Assertion (typeName _args == "ARRAY") failed!
18:07:01             <NULL-object>
18:07:01 Error in expression <{
_allObjectivesReserved = false;

} forEach ([_opcom, "objectives"] call ALI>
18:07:01   Error position: <forEach ([_opcom, "objectives"] call ALI>
18:07:01   Error foreach: Type Object, expected Array
18:07:01 File C:\Users\username\Documents\Arma 3\mpmissions\alive_ironfront_victoryOnCapture.Staszow\initServer.sqf, line 19
18:07:01 Registered SITREP controls for NON-JIP on briefing screen: keijo
18:07:01 Registered controls for NON-JIP on briefing screen: keijo
18:07:01 Registered PATROLREP controls for NON-JIP on briefing screen: keijo
18:07:06 OPC DATA [2,"xxxx","Player",false,2]
18:07:07 ALiVE [m_3|43] Module ALiVE_SYS_spotrep INIT COMPLETE TIME:  15.621
18:07:07 ALiVE [m_4|44] Module ALiVE_SYS_marker INIT COMPLETE TIME:  15.62
18:07:07 ALiVE [m_18|152] Module ALiVE_SYS_patrolrep INIT COMPLETE TIME:  9.76099
18:07:07 ALiVE [m_17|151] Module ALiVE_SYS_sitrep INIT COMPLETE TIME:  9.76398
18:07:07 Error in expression <ding"]) then {_active = _active + 1};
} foreach _obj;

switch (_controltype) d>
18:07:07   Error position: <foreach _obj;

switch (_controltype) d>
18:07:07   Error foreach: Type Object, expected Array
18:07:07 Error in expression <ding"]) then {_active = _active + 1};
} foreach _obj;

switch (_controltype) d>
18:07:07   Error position: <foreach _obj;

switch (_controltype) d>
18:07:07   Error Generic error in expression
18:07:07 Registering Advanced Marker controls for keijo on map screen.
18:07:07 Registered controls for PLAYER on map screen: keijo
18:07:07 Registering SITREP controls for keijo on map screen.
18:07:07 Registering PATROLREP controls for keijo on map screen.
18:07:07 Registered PATROLREP controls for PLAYER on map screen: keijo
18:07:07 Registered SITREP controls for PLAYER on map screen: keijo
18:07:08 "ALiVE - Starting Garbage Collector..."
18:07:10 ALiVE [m_16|150] Module ALiVE_MIL_C2ISTAR INIT COMPLETE TIME:  12.37
18:07:11 ALIVE PLAYER TASK REQUEST ["EAST","LIB_USSR_TANK_TROOPS","CaptureObjective",[["#CBA_HASH#",["debug","active","position","side","profileID","type","objectType","vehicleAssignments","vehiclesInCommandOf","vehiclesInCargoOf","leader","unitClasses","unitCount","group","companyID","groupID","waypoints","waypointsCompleted","positions","damages","ranks","units","speedPerSecond","despawnPosition","hasSimulated","isCycling","activeCommands","inactiveCommands","spawnType","faction","isPlayer","_rev","_id","busy"],[false,false,[5481.61,6137.85,0],"WEST","LIB_WEHRMACHT-entity_0","entity","LIB_GER_AT_squad",["#CBA_HASH#",[],[],any],[],[],<NULL-object>,["LIB_GER_unterofficer","LIB_GER_AT_soldier","LIB_GER_AT_soldier","LIB_GER_AT_grenadier","LIB_GER_AT_grenadier","LIB_GER_AT_grenadier","LIB_GER_AT_grenadier","LIB_GER_AT_grenadier","LIB_GER_AT_soldier","LIB_GER_AT_soldier"],0,<NULL-group>,"","",[],[],[[5481.61,6137.85,0],[5481.61,6137.85,0],[5481.61,6137.85,0],[5481.61,6137.85,0],[5481.61,6137.85,0],[5481.61,6137.85,0],[54
18:07:13 Duplicate weapon Throw detected for LIB_GER_rifleman
18:07:13 Duplicate weapon Put detected for LIB_GER_rifleman
18:07:16 Error in expression <nc_hashGet;
(!(isnil "_objectives") && {count _objectives > 0})

18:07:16   Error position: <count _objectives > 0})

18:07:16   Error count: Type Object, expected Array,String,Config entry
18:07:16 File \x\alive\addons\mil_logistics\fnc_ML.sqf [ALiVE_fnc_ML], line 2276
18:07:16 ALiVE [m_20|170] Module ALiVE_SUP_PLAYER_RESUPPLY INIT COMPLETE TIME:  18.07