Tanoa & Compositions

  1. 7 years ago

    Hello, I am new to the ALiVE mod. So far seems pretty cool! Good job! My questions is about the compositions and Tanoa. I want to create a bunch for the map that fit using the appropriate jungle objects. How can I add my own compositions and not remove, but not allow the existing compositions? I saw a post somewhere a few days ago, but I have been unable to find it. Thanks for any assistance.


  2. Custom comps require some scripting.. see here for more info:


  3. Cool. So I define a class in the in the description.ext, mycompositions.cfg and add a bit in the init. Sounds good!
    ALIVE_compositions_roadblocks = ["YOUR_ROADBLOCK_CLASS1","YOUR_ROADBLOCK_CLASS2",etc];

    One more question. Is there a list of other array that I can define in the init or at last a place where I can find them and a list of existing composition names? Example: ALIVE_compositions_camps, ALIVE_compositions_base, etc.? Sorry if that does not make sense.

  4. Could be wrong, but I think roadblocks is the only one because it was requested many times.


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