Looking forward to this, I always wanted Alive to work locally. I gave up somewhat with Alive as it's use case was slightly different from what i thought it was at first. I was hoping (and don't get me wrong, ALive still is my favourite all time mod for Arma and I thank the team) that it would support JIP play on a 24/7 persistent server that was capable of restarts.

So a bit like what the RP servers have with iniDB and their alternatives. A such, Alive is an Admin only save function which means sessions have to be attended by an admin to be saved and thats a huge limitation on server administration capability.

The (my) end goal would be to run ALiVE, save units, do its awesome virtual saving thing without me having to be online. Thus we could get campaigns that lasted for days running.

If this manages that, i think we have Nirvana.