Multiple respawn locations for players

  1. 8 years ago

    I am working on a mission where we have one group of players playing as insurgents and broken into cells where they will work against an AI occupation force. I also have another player group acting as a SF team that is doing their basic mission. Should I place down multiple respawn modules and link the various players to those modules in different areas or what? I have read and searched around and can not locate anything for what I am wanting to do. So I am either asking the impossible or I have not asked the right questions before. Any help is greatly appreciated.

  2. I'd assume if the insurgents are east and the SF are west, it *should* work by having various respawn_west and respawn_east markers. I've never tried it though.

  3. you can do


    for multiple spawn points

  4. Edited 8 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS

    I think he wants to limit which side can spawn where since its PVP.

    Edit: Check that. I misread him I think.

  5. For different sides this is easy. Like @SpyderBlack723 state earlier but with tweaks...

    Side West


    Side East


    Side Independent

  6. Not PvP at all. Its a PvE with a non Alive Blufor which is only limited players and a massive independent civilian insurgency against an alive controlled opfor....massi pla.

  7. The independent insurgency is also players.


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