Keeping your Insurgency under control (server advice)

  1. 7 years ago

    I'm running an Insurgency mission set in Takistan on my server currently.
    Now this isn't a busy server, it's usually just me a couple of times a week and maybe 1 or 2 others at most and I'm trying to keep a balance without the Insurgents swarming everything. I have Installations set to low, low density CQB, and Civ Obj force size of only 30 for both sides.

    Now I started the mission again last night, played for a bit, then logged in after work today and all of a sudden there's insurgents everywhere. I've tried setting the profiling speed to 25% previously, and than last night tested profiling back at 100% but with Auto Pause turned on (this actually seems to do nothing from what I could see)

    Am I just best on a low traffic server to do a "server save and exit" each time I stop playing?
    What's the best way to keep the Insurgents in check while I'm off having to play stupid real life games?

  2. No to start off with the number of insurgents is fine, I'm just trying to work out the best way to have a slow steady growth in insurgents instead of everything being fine today and then when I log back in tomorrow there's more insurgents than I can shake a stick at.

    If it was just me on the server I'd save and exit the server each time, but because I've got a couple of friends who occasionally jump on I don't want to have to give out admin to all of them so they can save/load as well.