So I just checked my servers rpt file because it was over 500mb in about 2 days. It gets to what I assume is the end of the ALiVE portion like this

20:41:36 ALiVE [m_6|45] Module ALiVE_SYS_LOGISTICS INIT COMPLETE TIME:  1.59766
20:41:36 "perfMonitor.fsm message sent: [["Type","Data"],["FPS",3762],["FPSMIN",847],["CPS",6],["PLAYERS",1],["LOCAI",70],["REMAI",0]]"
20:41:36 Error in expression <(count _customCode > 0) && (diag_tickTime >= _c>
20:41:36   Error position: <_customCode > 0) && (diag_tickTime >= _c>

and then I have over 7 millions lines of

20:41:36 Error in expression <(count _customCode > 0) && (diag_tickTime >= _c>
20:41:36   Error position: <_customCode > 0) && (diag_tickTime >= _c>

repeating over and over and over and... well you get the idea.

Does this look like something from ALiVE?

My mod line looks like this

-mod=@CBA_A3;@TFAR;@cTab;@ALiVE;@ace;@VCOM_Driving;@P_ASR_AI;@Spyder;@CAF_AG15;@CAF_AG_Audiopatch;@3cb_baf_vehicles;@3cb_baf_equipment;@3cb_baf_weapons;@3cb_baf_units;@Foxhound;@Husky;@CUP_Terrains_12;@aliveserver; -world=empty 

Anyone have any ideas where I should start looking for the culprit?