Iron Front Lite ?

  1. 8 years ago

    Hi Folks,

    Ok - just a follow up - it's my machine - something must be messed up with it... I went back to RHS which I've use more than a dozen times and I'm getting the same symptoms with that now... This is my laptop I use when traveling - so it's not my primary machine but it had worked with ALiVE previously - I haven't used it in like a year though... I had just installed ALiVE via Steam - so I pulled it off and when back to the standard ALiVE which I know worked in the past - no change... Strange - to get a custom faction to show up on a new mission - minimally you can do it with four modules - right (required, virtual AI, milirary commander, military placement) ? No changes are required to (required and virtual AI) and you simply paste (no spaces) the required faction names in both (military commander, military placement) finally - one of the last two modules you have to turn off the default NATO option... That's it - right - not rocket science ?

    I did a base setup with just ALiVE, CBA, and the required factions loaded - I tried loading ALiVE first - then last - no change...

    I know the factions are loaded properly because I can use them without ALiVE...

    LOL - I spent hours on this... Just this past weekend I built a fairly large RHS Inurgency on my primary machine without an issue...



  2. Hi Fokks,

    Hah - success - back in business - when I looked at this last night - I got a bit frustrated - had access to some good bandwidth (FIOS) - so I just deleted everything ArmA and reinstalled everything from scratch - yeah - the shotgun method - which doesn't leave an obvious smoking gun - but does work sometimes...

    I went back in - dropped a few ALiVE modules - and the correct troops showed up... What a relief... Something must have been mangled with the massive upgrades after being idle for so long... I only recently started using Eden as all my past work was I the 2D editor...

    So it was in the wee hours of the morning when I finished up - but - I did notice something else a that I haven't seen before - I'm back in IF and testing with American (Green) and German (Blue) forces wich are now showing up properly... It looks like they are moving to each other's objectives - however - nobody is fighting... They stroll up to each other and just stand around - mere feet from each other with nary a harsh word... I hadn't seen this before with RHS - is there a trick to start hostilities ?

    Thanks again everyone for your help and patience with me...
