How do I "Win"

  1. 7 years ago


    a.) Sorry if this seems dumb. I believe I know the answers but I think there are a lot smart folks here, so I want some other opinions, or advice.

    b.) I have a Scen set to where the enemy force level is 800 and in "occupation." I have a small band of determined men who are players going out and seeking to kill/disrupt/destroy the enemy to best effect. = Open ended sandbox.

    c.) So,
    Do I have to kill 700 enemy and does it matter if I do?
    Does each enemy death have an effect?
    What can I set as a self imposed objective that will actually make the AI enemy suffer?
    Can I capture areas that causes them to react etc, etc?

    Many thanks in advance.

  2. Friznit

    5 Jun 2016 Administrator

    You have to set your own goals for the mission - ALiVE is simply a mission framework.

    For example, you could be doing a raid on key infrastructure - destroy power/comms/logistics whilst avoiding decisive engagement.

    Or seek and destroy all enemy within a defined boundary.

    Or insert behind enemy lines to find and destroy enemy logistics resupply convoys.

    Depending on your chosen Mission Statement, you don't necessarily have to kill everyone. It does have a direct impact on the number of objectives the AI Comd can hold and whether he has sufficient forces to retake lost objectives though.

  3. Thanks. I understand that, and this is exactly what I am aiming at.

    The point as to direct impact on the number of objectives the AI Comd can hold and whether he has sufficient forces to retake lost objectives though is what I am looking for. EG: I can take occupy and objective, cause a large number of casualties and that will result in greater freedom of action around the AO.

    So where I to kill 20% of the enemy force his ability to hold key locations would be significantly impacted.


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